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Friday, July 31, 2015

Do Cruciferous Vegetables Harm the Thyroid?

Do Cruciferous Vegetables Harm the Thyroid?

Cruciferous vegetables contain compounds called glucosinolates; which are metabolized into isothiocyanates (ITC). These compounds have powerful protective effects against many cancers, including breast, prostate, colorectal, bladder and lung cancers.1-6 (To learn more, read “Anti-Cancer Foods: Cruciferous Vegetables) In fact, cruciferous vegetables are protective against thyroid cancer.7,8 Concerns about potential effects of cruciferous vegetables on thyroid function arose from animal studies, followed by findings suggesting that certain breakdown products of glucosinolates could interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis or compete with iodine for uptake by the thyroid. However, this is only a hypothetical issue. The scientific consensus is that cruciferous vegetables could only be detrimental to thyroid function in cases of iodine deficiency or insufficient iodine intake.9


Iodine deficiency is a concern for those who follow a healthful, plant-based diet since it is not naturally abundant in foods, except for seafood and seaweeds. Iodized salt is the chief source of iodine in the Western diet. Vegans and others on mostly plant-based diets may have low iodine intake without supplementation, especially if they avoid salt, suggesting that supplementation is appropriate.10,11 Also, pregnant women may require a greater amount of iodine than the general population because of the iodine needs of the fetus.12 Read more

Chocolate compounds fight high cholesterol

Chocolate compounds fight high cholesterol

Chocolate has received a lot of attention for being a treasure trove of nutritional goodness. Polyphenols in cacao beans are linked to promoting heart, brain, and liver health, which has sparked renewed interest in chocolate as a medicinal food. And a new study adds to the growing list of benefits, showing that chocolate polyphenols also help to lower bad cholesterol.

Published in the journal Diabetic Medicine, the study tested the effects of polyphenol-rich chocolate in a group of 12 volunteers with type-2 diabetes. After 16 weeks, the researchers from Hull University in the U.K. discovered that the polyphenols helped lower participants' bad cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol levels.

"Chocolate with a high cocoa content should be included in the diet of individuals with type-2 diabetes as part of a sensible, balanced approach to diet and lifestyle," said professor Steve Akin, author of the study. Read more...

Prevent heart disease with quality multivitamins

Prevent heart disease with quality multivitamins

Taking quality multivitamins is a great way to supplement one's diet with high doses of nutrients that are often lacking in modern-day food. And a new study out of Sweden has found that women who take multivitamins help to reduce their overall risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack.

For ten years, Dr. Susanne Rautiainen and her colleagues from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm monitored 31,671 women with no history of heart disease and 2,262 women with heart disease to observe their progression in overall health. Roughly 60 percent of women from both groups took some kind of dietary supplement.

At the completion of the study, 3.4 percent of the women who had no heart disease to begin with, but who did not take any dietary supplements, ended up having heart attacks. In contrast, only 2.6 percent of women from the same group who did take a multivitamin had heart attacks. Statistically, the multivitamin group exhibited a 27 percent less chance of having a heart attack. Read more...

Exposing the fraud and mythology of conventional cancer treatments

Exposing the fraud and mythology of conventional cancer treatments

Treating cancer is BIG business in America -- in fact, it's a $200 billion a year business. Yet 98 percent of conventional cancer treatments not only FAIL miserably, but are also almost guaranteed to make cancer patients sicker.

What's worse: The powers are suppressing natural cancer cures that could help tens of thousands of people get well and live cancer free with little or no dependence on drugs, surgery and chemotherapy.

The treatment of cancer in the U.S. is one of the most bald-faced cover-ups in medical history. Enough is enough! You deserve to know the truth about the criminality of oncologists and about the dangers of chemotherapy, conventional cancer treatments and the cancer "business."

Chemotherapy kills more than cancer

Want proof? Did you know that 9 out of 10 oncologists would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer? That's up to 91% -- a huge percentage that clearly shines a light on the truth: chemotherapy kills. Conventional oncologists are not only allowing this to happen, but they're also bullying many patients into chemotherapy and surgery right after their diagnoses. Read more...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rhodiola herbal extract increases fruit fly lifespan by 25 percent

Rhodiola herbal extract increases fruit fly lifespan by 25 percent

The history of herbal medicine is pretty amazing. All around the world, for thousands of years, herbalists and natural practitioners have developed an impressive body of knowledge about the healing properties of thousands of different plants and herbs to help treat virtually every malady known to man. Some plants, like willow bark, were valued for specific medical properties: In this case, to break fevers and reduce pain and inflammation. Other herbs and plants were valued because of their ability to improve overall health and general quality of life. One such herb is Rhodiola rosea (also known as golden root). Rhodiola has been used in Ayurvedic medicine and other natural healing traditions in Asia for thousands of years and has long been valued for its general tonic properties. And modern science appears to be backing this up. Read on to find out more about the health benefits - including increased longevity - bestowed by this amazing herb.

Rhodiola research from UCI

This latest study on Rhodiola, a yellow-flowering alpine plant and one with a long history of medicinal use, is come out of the University of California, Irvine. Here, scientists are looking at the effects this plant can have on the human body.

To begin with, the found that the benefits of taking Rhodiola are unrelated to diet and that active ingredients in this plant improve health by acting on a complex of biological pathways to support better overall bodily functions and lengthen the lifespan. This discovery is considered to be significant: Traditionally, the medical community has held that dietary restriction is one of the key components of lengthening lifespan, especially restriction of things like sodium and saturated fats. In fact, however, Rhodiola worked even when there was not dietary restriction placed on the fruit flies. Read more

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Antibiotics causing fatal diarrhea in children

Antibiotics causing fatal diarrhea in children

Newly published research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that doctor-prescribed antibiotics could be contributing to bouts of fatal diarrhea in children.

Scientists found that the majority of pediatric Clostridium difficile infections took place following a round of antibiotics, according to the agency. The infections led to severe bouts of diarrhea, some of which can prove to be fatal.

The CDC found that 71 percent of cases of C. difficile in kids between 1 and 17 years old were not related to an overnight stay in a hospital or healthcare facility. Alternately, the research found that two-thirds of adult infections were indeed linked to hospital stays.

As reported by Medical News Today:

The average human gut is home to over a thousand species of microbe. Kept in the right balance, these micro-organisms do no harm and the "friendly" ones even help with vital processes like digestion and protecting the gut.

But if the balance of these microbe populations is upset - by taking antibiotics, for example - there is a risk of losing vital protection from the beneficial bacteria. This allows C. difficile to grow out of control and release toxins that attack and inflame the lining of the gut, causing colitis.

Plain and simple, antibiotics are being over-prescribed

Among the "community-associated" C. difficile cases in children, 73 percent had been prescribed antibiotics at least 12 weeks before contracting an infection, the CDC said. They were most often prescribed them by a doctor or outpatient facility. The agency also said that in most cases the children were being treated for "wear, sinus, or upper respiratory infections."

"Improved antibiotic prescribing is critical to protect the health of our nation's children," said CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. "When antibiotics are prescribed incorrectly, our children are needlessly put at risk for health problems including C. difficile infection and dangerous antibiotic resistant infections." Read more

How Big Pharma gets away with injecting children with neurot

How Big Pharma gets away with injecting children with neurot

The systematic takedown of medical freedom in the U.S. certainly didn't happen overnight, but the disastrous fallout that we see today might appear that way. How did our once great republic degenerate from every citizen possessing an inalienable right to treat his own body how he best sees fit to parents now being mocked, manipulated and coerced at every turn into injecting their babies with neurotoxic chemicals and live viruses in the name of health promotion and disease prevention?

The vaccine industry's influential power over national health policy has been swelling for many decades, having been birthed largely out of 1930s cannabis prohibition and the early days of the "war on drugs." A major paradigm shift occurred during this pivotal time in U.S. history that paved the way for the establishment of a centralized pharmaceutical industry, including an entire industry devoted to developing artificial immunity jabs, or what are more commonly known as vaccines.

Since that time, the vaccine industry has gained key inroads into the American political structure that have allowed it to attain an all-powerful status. The vaccine industry is the only sector of the general economy that is exempt from the normal legal process, for example, meaning vaccine recipients and their families can't sue vaccine manufacturers when they're injured or killed by vaccines. Vaccines are also given unwavering rubber-stamp approval by the mainstream media as being "safe and effective," despite the fact that no independent, long-term safety studies have ever been conducted to prove this.

Back in the 1980s when the autism epidemic first became evident, pharmaceutical and vaccine companies switched into high gear to co-opt the media, the medical establishment and the government to protect the reputation of vaccines. So-called regulatory agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and various others all jumped aboard.

Then, in 1996, the pharmaceutical drug cartel successfully lobbied (bribed) Congress into allowing direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs, all the while muzzling the corporate media to avoid any talk linking vaccines to autism. Thousands of parents of vaccine-injured children have also been silenced in the process, and increasingly so as the idea of compulsory vaccinations floats through the headlines as the next plank in converting the entire world to the religion (cult) of vaccines. Read more

Monday, July 27, 2015

Learn these simple tips for preventing cancer naturally

Learn these simple tips for preventing cancer naturally

The statistics are pretty staggering, as half of us will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lives. The biggest contributing lifestyle factors according to research are obesity and smoking. And as many as one-third of the most common cancer cases could be prevented through clean eating, exercise and good weight management.

A new guide released by the World Cancer Research Fund gives tips for small changes that could dramatically decrease the incidence of this disease. There is strong evidence that being overweight increases the risk of 10 cancers: bowel, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, womb, breast, ovary, gallbladder, prostate (advanced) and liver. We could prevent about one in six of these cancer cases by maintaining a healthy weight.

Six simple ways to reduce the risk of cancer by healthy weight management:

1. Find your starting point and see where you really stand. One of the easiest ways to find out if you're at a healthy weight is to check your Body Mass Index (BMI). This tells you whether you're in the healthy weight range for your height, so it's a useful guide for most adults. A healthy BMI for men and women is between 18.5 and 24.9.

2. Take control of your snacking, as just reducing your daily calorie intake by 100 calories can make a big difference. Swap sweets, potato chips or fried foods for alternatives like a piece of fruit or veggie sticks. Vegetables and fruits are the foundation of a healthy diet, and it is still recommended that we eat at least five portions of each every day. Try something new and delicious like cucumber hummus with dill.

3. Change up portions of the foods on your plate. Try making the larger part be vegetables and the smaller portion be meat, fish or a vegetable-based protein. Most diets make the meat portions the biggest part of the meal. The benefit of less calories consumed is great, but you will also save money implementing this strategy.

4. One way to slim down is by having one meat-free day each week or swapping out meats for fish once a week. According to environmental studies, if every US citizen went vegetarian for just one day a week, we would save 100 billion gallons of water, 1.5 million pounds of vegetation, 70 million gallons of gas, 3 million acres of land and 33 tons of antibiotics. Read more

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Magnesium-rich drinking water may protect bones

Magnesium-rich drinking water may protect bones

One of the best ways to have a successful, fulfilled older adulthood is to pay attention to the health and strength of the bones. While men and women both can fall prey to brittle bones, it is a particular problem for women due to the hormonal changes their bodies go through during menopause, when low estrogen levels can cause the loss of minerals like calcium and magnesium from the bones themselves. This loss in turn makes bones brittle and increases the chances of a fall, which in turn can lead to decreased mobility or even placement in assisted living. All of these problems can be avoided, however, if people as they age lead a lifestyle that promotes strong bones. This can include getting plenty of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in the diet and regular exercise. And recent research is showing that even the kind of water that people drink can make a big difference.

The latest study

This new study is coming out of Norway, and researchers there analyzed the levels of calcium and magnesium in the public drinking water of areas throughout the country. These two minerals in particular were studied because they play such an important role in keeping bones strong and healthy even as someone ages. The researchers wanted to determine if there was a relationship between a person's bone health and the kind of water they were drinking. At the same time, this study followed a group of 700,000 elderly patients for seven years. During that time, over 5,000 hip fractures were reported for men in this group and over 13,000 for women.

When the data from this study was analyzed, it was found that the men and women living in areas where the drinking water was naturally higher in magnesium had the fewest incidents of hip fractures. What surprised researchers, however, was that there was not a similar correlation for areas of drinking water which had higher levels of calcium. It is calcium, after all, that most healthcare providers focus in on when educating the middle-aged and elderly on bone health. This is the first study to look at incidence of hip fractures and bone health in relationship to drinking water. Read more

Friday, July 24, 2015

Vitamin C shown to annihilate cancer

Vitamin C shown to annihilate cancer

Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant and is commonly used to fight off a cold. Recent studies have cast a much brighter light on this underrated and extremely necessary vitamin. Researchers from the University of Kansas found that high doses of intravenously supplied vitamin C effectively eradicates cancer cells in human subjects. Additionally, healthy cells are left intact.

Inexpensive possible cancer treatment may never reach patients

Conducted in vitro, lab tests were performed by injecting high doses of vitamin C into human ovarian cells. These test were also performed on mice and a group of 22 human subjects. The test, according to BBC News, showed the vitamin C competently targeted the ovarian cancer cells while averting healthy cells. This major finding could potentially save millions of lives and at only a fraction of the price of modern cancer treatments. Dr. Jeanne Drisko, co-author of the study, stated to BBC News, "Patients are looking for safe and low-cost choices in their management of cancer. Intravenous vitamin C has that potential based on our basic science research and early clinical data."

Replicating these results in patients and widespread application would be ideal. However, this may never become a reality. "Because vitamin C has no patent potential, its development will not be supported by pharmaceutical companies. We believe that the time has arrived for research agencies to vigorously support thoughtful and meticulous clinical trial with intravenous vitamin C," said Qi Chen, lead author of the new study. Read more

3 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Through Your Gut

3 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health Through Your Gut


Many of you already know the gut plays host to scores of bacteria. Did you know, however, that there’s about 1,000 different species living there inside your intestinal tract? It’s all these bacteria that help make up what’s called the microbiome. While it’s fairly well documented that maintaining your gut’s flora can go a long way in improving your overall physical health, more and more research suggests there might even be a link to our mental health.

Advanced Full-Spectrum Systemic Enzyme

1. Gut Bacteria May Regulate Anxiety and Depression

In one study, researchers fed probiotics—strains of good bacteria—to mice and suggested the resulting changes in the gut’s microbe colonies could ease feelings of anxiety. [1] A more recent study looked at prebiotics—carbohydrates that serve as “food” for that good bacteria—noting after three weeks, those who took a daily prebiotic supplement had an easier time sorting through anxious and depressed feelings. [2] And still, other reports suggested those out-of-whack bacteria levels could also be a cause of autism, suggesting probiotics as a therapeutic approach for autistic children. [3] [4] Read more

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 Herbs and Spices for Dementia

5 Herbs and Spices for Dementia

Turmeric: Potent, Liquid, Organic

Two of the leading causes of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease and stroke, but the natural world has supplied us with a multitude of resources to combat all three. You can help reduce your risk of dementia through changes in your diet, regular body cleansing, and paying attention to a number of the herbs and spices for dementia that I outline below.

1. Turmeric

You may have already heard about the many benefits of turmeric and its key component, curcumin; helping to ward off dementia and even help current dementia patients. Alzheimer’s and dementia occur significantly less in the elderly of India than of America, and over 1,000 published human and animal studies have examined turmeric and curcumin’s antioxidant benefit

According to Duke University, turmeric extracts block the formation of beta-amyloid, which is responsible for the plaques that hinder brain function in Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, authors Shrikant Mishra and Kalpana Palanivelu say in an issue of the journal Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology that, based on their findings, “curcumin will lead to a promising aid for Alzheimer’s disease,” thereby potentially aiding in the reduction of dementia [1]. Read more

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

What is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

You are probably well aware of the symptoms of liver toxicity due to a poor lifestyle. Liver disease, on the other hand, is commonly prescribed to people who consume too much alcohol. Recently, another type of liver disease has been on the rise. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a different type of liver disease that is not affected by alcohol intake. [1] Instead, it is caused by the high level of accumulated fat within the liver. A normal liver is about 5 – 10% fat. Anymore than that can be harmful and lead to NAFLD or, the more threatening and harmful version, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). At its worst, NAFLD or NASH can lead to liver failure or liver cancer.


Who Is at Risk for NAFLD?

The liver acts as a filter for the body by separating helpful nutrients and discarding harmful substances. Consequently, the liver encounters many hard-to-handle toxins, as well as lipids or fat cells. Since NAFLD is affected by the amount of fat in the liver, individuals who are overweight or obese are often at risk. Also, people with diabetes or high blood pressure can develop the disease. NAFLD has also been seen in people who undergo rapid weight loss. It has been discovered that 25% of Americans are affected by NAFLD. [2] It is more common in women than in men and is also most prevalent in people ages 40 – 60. Read more

If vaccines don't cause brain damage, why is GlaxoSmithKline

If vaccines don't cause brain damage, why is GlaxoSmithKline

By Jennifer Lilley
vaccine injury, swine flu, Pandemrix

Since the swine flu panic that was widespread in 2009, prompting more than 60 million people to get vaccinated against it, countless amounts of individuals - predominantly children - have developed a range of health conditions. Mainly, brain damage has been the issue; everything from sleep disturbances and memory impairments to hallucinations and mental illness have been experienced by those who received the swine flu vaccine.

Most medical professionals and Big Pharma folks are quick to defend and recommend such vaccines; of course pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine, Pandemrix, is a key player in this regard. However, they've come under fire recently and rather than sit under a protective you-can't-touch-me cloak, the pharma giant has been ordered to pay about $60 million to the UK government after it was determined that Pandemrix played a role in causing brain damage in a range of cases.

"No doubt" swine flu vaccine linked to brain damage

"There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries - and probably in most countries," says Emmanuelle Mignot, a specialist in sleep disorder at Stanford University who looked into the effects of the vaccine. Read more

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Benefits of Probiotics

The Benefits of Probiotics

The human body is made up of an estimated 100 trillion bacterial cells from at least 500 species, not including viruses and fungi. These bacterias (probiotics) are referred to as "friendly" bacteria and are responsible for several important biological functions. Some of these functions include assisting with digestion, keeping other harmful bacteria at bay and stimulating the immune system.

Researchers are hopeful that probiotics hold the answer to the growing number of cases of antibiotic resistance and abuse. This has caused consumers to search for other natural alternatives to treating various health conditions. 

Certain studies have proven the many health benefits of probiotics such as the prevention or control of: 

•Food and skin allergies in children 
•Bacterial vagniosis 
•Premature labor in pregnant women
Inflammatory bowel disease 
•Recurrent ear and bladder infections 
•Chronic diarrhea 

Although it's received little recognition by Western medical professionals, the health benefits of probiotics have been known for at least 100 years. Read more

The Hidden Formaldehyde In Everyday Products

The Hidden Formaldehyde In Everyday Products

Producers are tricky, and their business sometimes involves tricking consumers. They trick us into buying very handy products for cleaning, deodorizing, softening, smoothing, and beautifying that often contain dangerous chemicals.

If the word “formaldehyde” doesn’t remind you of an embalmed body on a cold steel table, it should!


Formaldehyde has been used for decades to embalm dead bodies for open casket burials. It is a preservation fluid that replaces the blood, it is a recognized cancer causing agent (carcinogen) by the National Cancer Institute, and oh, by the way, it is in most of the products you buy and use around your home, even the materials your home was built with!

Is My Home Embalmed?

It might surprise you to know that much of the shelving, furniture, wall finishes, carpet, cabinetry and flooring in your home could contain this dangerous chemical. Formaldehyde can also be found in these building materials:

- Glue
- Plywood
- Fiberboard
- Insulation
- Particleboard
- Timber Paneling

What Other Products May Contain Formaldehyde? Read more

The Health Dangers of Arsenic Toxicity

The Health Dangers of Arsenic Toxicity

Arsenic is an element that is extremely toxic to human health. Despite this, or maybe because of it, humans have used arsenic in many capacities- as an insecticide, as a toxic agent of war, and even as a wood preservation. However, its use in countless industrial applications has contributed to pollution at all levels. Additionally, arsenic exists naturally in the environment. The combination of these factors means that the most common method of exposure occurs by drinking contaminated water.


Arsenic in Water

Pollution has made groundwater contamination of arsenic a worldwide problem that affects people, crops, and livestock. [1] In 2012, the University of Washington School of Law published information that brought light to the fact that many water systems in the United States are affected by unacceptably high arsenic levels and money is not available to address the problem. Poor communities were identified to be the highest at risk. [2]

Arsenic in Food

Arsenic laced water becomes a compound problem when crops and livestock are given that water. “You are what you eat” or, “you are what you consume” applies to animals and plants just as much as it does humans. When the University of Washington analyzed over 30 types of apple juice, they found arsenic in all samples and over 30% contained arsenic levels at or above drinking water exposure limits. [3] Read more

The Dangers of Mercury

The Dangers of Mercury

Lets be honest, human history is cluttered with screw-ups of catastrophic proportion. In a list that would extend for miles, incorrect ideas about mercury is one that really stands out. Although it’s a natural element found in the earth’s crust, often in regions with volcanic activity, its natural status doesn’t mean it’s safe. In fact, it was previously thought to be a good and healthful substance. The first emperor of China was said to have taken mercury pills to give him eternal life. Instead the mercury pills destroyed his system and eventually he died. Years ago, hat makers used mercury to stiffen and form hats. This exposure lead to the high mortality rate of hat makers, but not before driving them mad.

Exposure to Mercury

Part of the reason mercury is extremely toxic is because it can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. It’s bad stuff and is simply best avoided, though it is often used in thermometers, barometers, and other scientific equipment. Pollution into our environment has caused mercury to be found in seafood. [1] Previously, opinions existed that removing the skin of seafood may significantly reduce the exposure to mercury but other research has found this not to be the case. [2] Read more

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Prebiotic vs Probiotic – What’s the Difference?

Prebiotic vs Probiotic – What’s the Difference?

You may have seen probiotic yogurt advertised as having “live active cultures.” This indicates that the yogurt contains living, beneficial organisms intended to help your body with digestion. Many people wonder if there’s any truth in that or if it’s just a marketing ploy. Well, considering the nature of advertisers, you might be surprised to know that although “probiotics” has become a hot buzzword in health food advertising, it’s not just a bunch of hype. In fact, probiotics do promote healthy digestion. What’s not often discussed is that, like all living organisms, probiotics need nutrition. That role is taken on by prebiotics. Let’s explore the world of probiotics and prebiotics and their relationship. Read more

Heart Disease is Preventable and Reversible

Heart Disease is Preventable and Reversible

As the prevalence of CVD escalates, medical costs are rising rapidly — the American Heart Association has projected that over the next twenty years there will be a 16.6% increase in prevalence of coronary heart disease, and that the direct medical costs attributed to cardiovascular diseases will triple.2 Heart disease is truly devastating to both our health and our economy.

Risk factors for heart disease are commonplace for U.S. adults: 33% have hypertension, 13.8% have total cholesterol above 240 mg/dl,1 11.3% of U.S. adults have diabetes,3 and 68.8% of U.S. adults are overweight or obese.4

It is normal in our society to have atherosclerosis, and to die from cardiovascular disease. If you eat the standard western diet that most people eat in the modern world, you will surely develop heart disease and may die from it. But a significant number of research studies have documented that heart disease is easily and almost completely preventable (and reversible) through a diet rich in plant produce and lower in processed foods and animal products.5-8 Read more

Thursday, July 16, 2015

What is a Lung Cleanse?

What is a Lung Cleanse?

A lung cleanse is a natural procedure designed to detoxify, cleanse and refresh the delicate respiratory linings of the bronchial passages and lungs by purging them of built up environmental toxins, harmful organisms and accumulated irritants. Cleansing the lungs is something that should be done on a regular basis due to the declining quality of indoor and outdoor air. The toxic air we breathe puts all of our lungs and respiratory tracts in danger. By using an all natural lung cleansing spray on a regular basis you can assist your lungs in cleansing these compounds, which in turn will support normal respiratory function. Read more

Integrative Medicine Forum • View topic - 11 Natural Methods for Detoxing Your Body

11 Natural Methods for Detoxing Your Body

Cleansing diets, herbs, and fasting programs may seem like a modern health trend but societies have used natural cleansing methods to detoxify the body for hundreds of years. Many religions actually encourage people to fast as a means of cleansing both the body and the mind for spiritual practices. Toxic and polluted food systems, air and water, and environment make cleansing the colon, liver and other organs more important now than ever. The burden of over-pollution may be responsible for deleterious effects on the immune system, a scenario which makes us highly susceptible to chronic degenerative diseases such as some forms of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and more. Read more

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Study vilifying 'fat' as cause of low sperm count in men

Study vilifying 'fat' as cause of low sperm count in men
by: Jonathan Benson

The myth that all saturated fat is harmful to health continues to make the rounds, as a new study published in the journal Human Reproduction equates saturated fat with "junk food," and claims that eating it reduces men's sperm count. But this study, which is being repeated throughout the echo chambers of the mainstream media, is nothing short of erroneous pseudoscience predicated on outdated medical opinions.

For their study, researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass., surveyed 99 men about their dietary habits, and compared overall fat intake to the men's sperm counts and sperm concentrations. They concluded that those men who consumed the most fats had a 43 percent lower sperm count, and 38 percent lower sperm concentration, compared to men who consumed the least fats -- and the most significant culprit, they claim, was saturated fats. Read more

Fenugreek: nature's aphrodisiac

Fenugreek: nature's aphrodisiac

By John McKiernan

Fenugreek, who's name means "ram's horn clover," is an herb that has been used by many cultures for its medicinal properties. It has been shown to be effective in treating everything from loss of appetite to digestive disorders to diabetes.

However, it is particularly noted for its ability to improve sexual performance in men. Researchers are not entirely sure how it works, but it is thought to increase male hormones by releasing saponins. Saponins are phytochemicals found in many plants that carry an abundance of health benefits. Read more