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Monday, August 31, 2015

5 Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

5 Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)


A traditional, therapeutic herb native to India, brahmi (also known as Bacopa monnieri) is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine as a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac, and general tonic. [1] Its impact on cognitive performance has prompted a number of investigations into its positive benefits. Here are just a few of the health benefits attributed to brahmi.

1. Promotes Comfort

Many diseases, brain and otherwise, are connected to chronic irritation and redness in the body. Plants like brahmi and turmeric have been studied extensively for their ability to fight discomfort and systemic redness. One review has identified brahmi as a potential therapy for chronic discomfort and neuropathy. [2] [3] [4] [5]


2. Stress Reduction

If the effects of daily stressors are getting the best of you, brahmi supplementation may be something to explore. Stress reduction is perhaps brahmi’s most well known, traditional use. A study evaluating brahmi supplementation reported significant mood improvement among participants, as well as decreased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This suggests that brahmi counteracts the effects of stress by regulating hormones involved with the stress response. [6]

3. Boosts Cognitive Agility

A recent, placebo-controlled study of 24 volunteers reported that brahmi boosted cognitive performance. These results support use of the herb as a therapy by persons suffering from cognitive issues, short attention span, foggy memory, and blurred focus. [8]

4. Alzheimer’s Therapy?

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating and heartbreaking disease, usually caused by a plethora of physiological, genetic, and environmental factors. Amyloid formation in neurons can cause significant brain damage and influence the development of Alzheimer’s disease. It’s important to understand that, to date, no herb, plant, drug, or anything — including brahmi — has been found to be the magic bullet against Alzheimer’s. Based on its history as an herbal therapy to promote neurological function, some have suggested that brahmi may be a promising therapy for Alzheimer’s. [9] 
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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Five health problems turmeric relieves

Five health problems turmeric relieves

If any reason was needed to go out for curry on Friday night – this is it! Turmeric, the deep golden spice which lends its distinctive color, aroma and taste to curries and other Indian dishes, is not just a delicious flavoring for favorite foods! It is, in fact, probably one of the most studied spices in the world.

In the last decades, studies have taken place in research hospitals and laboratories all over the world as modern science rediscovers what herbalists and Ayurvedic healers have long known: that turmeric has some truly astounding healing properties, more of which are being discovered daily as research on it continues. What's even better is that turmeric is a spice which can be easily incorporated into any diet and added not only to curries, but to stir-fries, casseroles – even smoothies! Let's take a look at all the different healing properties of this "superspice."

Turmeric: Potent, Liquid, Organic

It has natural antibiotic and antiviral properties

Consuming foods or beverages with turmeric is a good way to go if someone is suffering from the flu or an infection such as bronchitis. Turmeric has compounds that can naturally help kill off both bacteria and viruses and help the body recover more quickly from the microbial attack.

It fights cancer

Curcumin, one of the main active ingredients in turmeric, has been shown in several studies to help prevent and/or treat several different types of cancer, include melanoma as well as cancers of the breast or prostate gland.

It detoxifies the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, helping with digestion, blood sugar balance – and the removal of waste products before they can harm the body. Turmeric helps promote healthy liver function by detoxifying it before the liver itself can become compromised.

It reduces inflammation

Turmeric as a supplement is recommended by many herbalists and naturopaths for people suffering from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease. This is because curcumin is also able to reduce inflammation throughout the body and treat these chronic conditions.


It aids in weight loss

While research on this topic is ongoing and more needs to be understood, it is believed that turmeric might play a role in weight loss through boosting the metabolism and making it easier for the body to burn stored fat – thus helping shed those unwanted pounds! 
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Health basics: What is MSG?

Health basics: What is MSG?

Monosodium Glutamate, better known as MSG, is a form of concentrated salt added to foods to enhance the flavor. This salt version of glutamic acid is an amino acid the body can produce on its own, but the MSG we find on store shelves is processed and comes from fermented sugar beets. Because this kind of MSG is processed, it can cause many adverse reactions, including skin rashes, itching, hives, nausea, vomiting, migraine headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression and even seizures (

Since MSG acquired its infamous reputation for causing migraines, the food industry has given it new names and new forms, including autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed protein, sodium caseinate, mono-potassium glutamate, and textured protein. Consumers who are watching out for monosodium glutamate in long ingredients lists usually don't know the aliases, but should.

Because MSG is so cheap, the food industry can use much lower quality foods and simply add MSG as a flavor enhancer. Currently, there is a huge investment by the food giants in MSG medical research to convince consumers of its safety. Monsanto, the giant biotech company that creates genetically modified corn, soy and canola, also controls more than 90% of the sugar beet industry; therefore, MSG contains the gene of the pesticide Roundup. Consumers who don't filter MSG out of their diet are catching a double dose of toxicity.

Foods which contain the largest doses of MSG are spicy corn chips, many soups, certain Chinese foods, ranch dressing, sausages, hot dogs, barbecued meats, smoked meats, processed deli meats, and sauces. Also included are most powdered packets like chili, gravy, taco seasoning, French onion dip and dried dip mixes.

Ibuprofen is the polar opposite of MSG. This widely used painkiller is specifically designed to relieve symptoms from MSG headaches, but only temporarily. Unfortunately, most research on MSG is done by its manufacturers in independent labs. The FDA itself consists of food industry reps and lobbyists who help keep MSG approved, so most doctors (except naturopath doctors) will not point their finger at MSG as the cause of headaches, inflammation, weight gain, muscle pain, or nerve disorders.

MSG affects nearly everyone

Consuming products loaded with MSG on an empty stomach or without water can be especially dangerous. MSG affects nearly everyone because it causes a spike in glutamic acid, which is used throughout the body as a neurotransmitter, so many migraines are accompanied by photo-sensitivity (sensitivity to light) and phono-sensitivity (sensitivity to sound). This explains why many people need to relax in a dark, quiet room to recover.

MSG compromises the way the liver and gall bladder use bile to break up fats for digestion, so many people experience diarrhea and even gall bladder attacks. Others will vomit or stir up their Irritable Bowel Syndrome (

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TV viewing leads to lower sperm counts

TV viewing leads to lower sperm counts

Men who watch more than 20 hours of TV per week have a sperm count nearly half that of men who rarely watch TV, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

To examine the effect of physical activity levels on men's health, the researchers analyzed the semen of 189 men between the ages of 18 and 22 who were participating in the Rochester Young Men's Study from 2009 to 2010.

"The majority of the previous studies on physical activity and semen quality had focused on professional marathon runners and cyclists, who reach physical activity levels that most people in the world cannot match," senior author Jorge Chavarro said. "We were able to examine a range of physical activity that is more relevant to men in the general population."

Participants answered questions about their TV-watching habits and physical activity patterns, as well as about several known risk factors for low sperm count, including diet, smoking and stress. The researchers found that men who spent 15 or more hours engaged in moderate exercise each week had a 73 percent higher sperm count than men who exercised fewer than five hours per week. This was true even among men who smoked or who were overweight. There was no difference seen in men who engaged in only mild exercise.

Men who watched 20 or more hours of TV per week; however, had a 44 percent lower sperm count than men who watch nearly no TV. This was true even among men who engaged in 15 or more hours of moderate exercise per week. That is, TV viewing seemed to counteract the beneficial effects of a moderately active lifestyle.

Lead author Audrey Gaskins described the differences in sperm count observed in the study as "pretty impressive."

Reasons unclear

Sperm counts have been dropping among men in the Western world for decades. For example, a recent study showed a 33 percent decline in sperm counts between 1989 and 2009.

Sperm count is one measure of sperm quality, which has also been on the decline. Low sperm count increases the risk of infertility, cardiovascular problems, and cancers of the prostate or testicles. 
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Exposure to chemicals could reduce sperm count

Exposure to chemicals could reduce sperm count

More reports detailing the damaging effects of exposure to chemicals have been released. Though important to both women and men, this particular finding is especially important to men. This includes their partners if they are wanting to start a family someday.

While much has been made about overheating laptops, bike seats that are narrow and antidepressants causing a reduction in the amount of a man's sperm, there is another, more sinister and less obvious issue. This is his exposure to chemicals on a frequent basis, including those chemicals that he might not even know about, or that he might not realize are harmful until they begin to make a difference in his life.

One way for men to be more aware of the potential issue is to know where he might come across these chemicals in his everyday life. There are two chemicals, in particular, that seem to have infiltrated almost every aspect of everyday life. These are bisphenol A, more popularly known as BPA, and phthalates.

BPA carriers

BPA is found in many plastics. Fortunately, as more effects become known about BPA, many manufacturers are offering BPA-free alternatives. However, there are some surprising sources of BPA that a man might be exposed to during his everyday life, and not even realize the harm they can cause. For example, up to 40 percent of all cash register receipts have a BPA coating on them.

A more common way for a man to be exposed to BPAs is through canned foods, though. This is because almost all cans used in food production contain BPAs.

Phthalates carriers

Phthalates are commonly associated with vinyl products, such as shower curtains, plastic bags, vinyl flooring and more products that a typical man will interact with on a daily basis. In addition, phthalates are also found in many personal hygiene products including shampoos, soaps and cleaners.

Other sources of chemicals

There are a number of other chemicals that can cause a man's sperm count to plummet. PCBs are chemicals whose use has been banned. However, there is such a great amount that has accumulated in the environment that many of the most popular species of fish are laden with it. 
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

EU agency opens investigation into HPV vaccine after shot damages thousands of families

EU agency opens investigation into HPV vaccine after shot damages thousands of families

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched a probe into the highly controversial HPV vaccination program following thousands of reports of young girls falling seriously ill after getting jabbed. Per the Swedish news source Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), the European Union's version of the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) launched the investigation to determine whether or not the safety claims associated with Gardasil and Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines currently in circulation, are actually legitimate.

The multinational drug corporations behind the two vaccines, Merck & Co. and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), respectively, say the vaccines are perfectly safe and come with minimal risk of side effects. But the many thousands of young girls throughout the world who've suffered serious side effects, including several hundred recently featured in a Danish documentary that aired on Denmark's TV2 network, claim otherwise, reporting major health failures almost immediately following the jab.

HPV vaccines have already been administered to some 70 million women worldwide, but their safety and effectiveness is questionable at best. The science used to justify their commercial approval simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny, and yet many countries throughout the world have adopted HPV vaccines as a preventative medicine for preventing cervical cancer.

Canadian researchers published a study in 2013 revealing that the industry-sponsored trials used to justify commercial approval of HPV vaccines are "largely inadequate" and present "evidence of selective reporting of results from clinical trials," meaning vaccine companies cherry-pick data to suit their own agenda.

"[T]he widespread optimism regarding HPV vaccines long-term benefits appears to rest on a number of unproven assumptions (or such which are at odd with factual evidence) and significant misinterpretation of available data," the team wrote.

"For example, the claim that HPV vaccination will result in approximately 70% reduction of cervical cancers is made despite the fact that the clinical trials data have not demonstrated to date that the vaccines have actually prevented a single case of cervical cancer (let alone cervical cancer death), nor that the current overly optimistic surrogate marker-based extrapolations are justified."

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HPV vaccines cause POTS, CRPS, and, in some cases, death -- why is it legal, again?

At the same time, the number of adverse event reports for HPV vaccines is notably higher compared to any other vaccine, something that the U.K.'s Independent newspaper revealed earlier this year as part of an extensive investigation into the issue.

Of particular interest to the EMA in its investigation are the many reports of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, following vaccination for HPV. POTS victims say that since getting vaccinated, they're only able to function for a few hours a day, which inhibits not only their quality of life but also their schooling.

"POTS ... can cause an array of symptoms, including headache, dizziness, fainting, and fatigue," reports SvD.

Another serious condition being reported in conjunction with the HPV vaccines is complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, which sufferers say causes them to experience chronic and severe pain in their legs, arms, or both. Both of these conditions are listed in HPV vaccine literature as being possible side effects, but vaccine manufacturers deny that they're a risk factor. Read more

Monday, August 24, 2015

12 Sneaky Ways Toxins Infiltrate Your Life

12 Sneaky Ways Toxins Infiltrate Your Life


It seems that everywhere you look today you can find a source for toxins—food, clothes, children’s toys…you get the idea. Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, toxins can sneak past you, infiltrating your home and body. It never hurts to arm yourself with a healthy dose of awareness and prevention, two components that can protect you and your family from unseen attackers.

12 Ways Toxins Can Sneak into Your Life

Toxins really are everywhere, and it is almost impossible to avoid them 100% of the time. Still, you can limit your exposure to harmful endocrine disruptors, not to mention a plethora of other compounds. Here are just 12 sneaky ways that toxins are infiltrating your life and what you can do about it.

1. In Your Bottled Water

In a collaborative study from Nanjing University in China and the University of Florida, scientists studied plastic water bottles exposed to varying temperatures over four weeks. In the bottles left at higher temperatures, like the temperature in a hot car, levels of BPA and antimony increased. [1] Most of us have heard of BPA, a toxin that mimics estrogen and is thought to disrupt hormone balance, but antimony is also bad news, playing a role in lung, heart, and gastrointestinal diseases. [2]

2. In Your Pots and Pans

Sure, Teflon is an amazingly convenient invention that saves time; however, there’s recent evidence suggesting exposure to C8, a chemical involved in the production of Teflon, could be responsible for medical issues like kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and ulcerative colitis. [3]

3. In Your Furniture

There’s probably more than you think lurking beneath the surface of your couch. Furniture that has been treated with flame retardants seems like a smart choice, but flame-retardant chemicals might be taking a toll on your health. These toxins have links to cancer, issues with fertility, and disruptions in sexual and neurological function. [4]

4. In Your Clothes

According to many toxicology reports, not even clothes are safe against toxin levels. In an October 2014 report from the Swedish Chemicals Agency, 2,400 substances were identified in clothing, with about 10% of that number posing a threat to humans and the environment. [5]

5. In Your Baby’s Food

Used in the production of some plastics, acrylamide has been consistently linked to cancer. In 2013, worrisomely high levels of this toxin were found in certain UK baby foods. As if that weren’t enough, phthalates–linked to problems with reproductive development–have been appearing in unsafe levels in the diets of children two years and under. [6] Used to make plastic flexible, phthalates have been banned in the U.S. in the production of sippy cups, plastic plates, and other children’s products. So how then are they getting into your child’s food? Read more

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Nurse Mobile Clinic Kuala Lumpur: what we provide

Nurse Mobile Clinic Kuala Lumpur: what we provide

Dear clients, 

We provide:

1. Nurses & Caregivers at home (daily or Live - in basis)

2. In house doctors consultation

3. Physiotherapy

4. Post operative nursing care

5. Wound dressing

6. IV line insertion

7. Catheter insertion 

8. Nasogastric Tube insertion

9. Vit C and Collagen IV infusion and other detoxification. 

10. The Benefits of Placenta Life Cell Therapy 

11. Under doctor supervision: treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED), injections for erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction supplements and food instructions. Read more

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Plastics chemicals cause infertility and health

Plastics chemicals cause infertility and health

An infertility crisis on Spanish pig farms has been linked to endocrine-disrupting plastic chemicals also found in human food products, in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Zaragoza and published in the journal Scientific Reports in May.

The study marks "the first time that the correlation between reproductive failures and compounds migrating from plastic materials [has been] studied and demonstrated," lead researcher Cristina Nerin said.

Semen bags contaminated

In the spring of 2010, sows on 41 separate pig farms across Spain abruptly stopped bearing young or began producing smaller-than-normal litters. Researchers examined both the sows and the semen that had been used to artificially inseminate them but found no abnormalities or evidence of disease and no evidence of feed or water contamination.

They did eventually discover, however, that all the semen used in inseminating sows on the farms had been originally refrigerated in bags that came from the same company.

Nerin, an expert in food packaging, was called in by the bag-making company to solve the mystery. Her preliminary tests identified several chemicals in the bags that have been linked to endocrine (hormone) disruption and reproductive problems, most notably cyclic lactone and BADGE.

Cyclic lactone is commonly used in the adhesives used to seal food bags, such as bags of potato chips or sliced meat. It was among the chemicals found at highest concentrations in the semen bags. BADGE, a byproduct of the notorious chemical bisphenol A (BPA), was also found at high levels.

BPA and BADGE are both found in high levels not just in hard plastics but also in the linings of 95 percent of food and beverage cans on the market. BADGE is also found in household dust.

Both cyclic lactone and BADGE have been shown, in prior studies, to migrate from packaging into food. A recent study by the New York State Department of Health found BADGE in 100 percent of urine samples collected in the United States and China. Read more

Friday, August 21, 2015

5 Facts about Calorie Restriction

5 Facts about Calorie Restriction

Calorie restriction is defined as a reduction of 30-60% of one’s regular calorie intake while maintaining a diet that provides enough nutrients to prevent malnutrition. Scientists believe calorie restriction stimulates a defensive state designed to help an organism survive environmental and metabolic adversity. This non-genetic strategy has been observed to encourage youthfulness and extend average and maximum lifespan in most living creatures. [1]


Why Caloric Restriction?

Many individuals choose to pursue the approach of calorie restriction for its supposed anti-aging effects. Calorie restriction has been shown to extend longevity in animal models via a number of proposed metabolic avenues. Whether it’s activating sirtuin production, protecting telomere length, or reducing oxidative stress, safe calorie restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON) may be a helpful way to support a healthy aging process. Calorie restriction is by no means the end all and be all of longevity, but it is a good first start that is free to try.

How Does it Work?

The precise mechanisms as to how calorie restriction works are not yet known. Despite the lack of understanding by modern science, there are some clues as to how CRON benefits the body. Researchers hypothesize caloric restriction lowers metabolism, decreasing the oxidation often associated with metabolic processes. Calorie restriction, or CR, also decreases insulin levels and stimulates cell repair. Sirtuins, proteins that regulate many biological pathways, are activated during calorie restriction, and studies show that these proteins may extend lifespan. Whatever the mechanism, it does reduce the body’s production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which reduces damage to DNA.

Potential Benefits

So, you may know that calorie restriction plays a role in supporting a healthy aging process, but did you know that the practice offers specific approaches to health? Here are some of the top researched benefits of CR.

Decreases Risk of Heart Disease

Caloric restriction shows positive effects on many of the causes associated with heart disease. Studies have found it helps protect against obesity and hypertension, health conditions that greatly influence heart disease risk. [2] Adiponectin, a hormone that increases production under physical stressors (including that of caloric restriction) promotes cardiovascular and metabolic health. [3] Only a subset of heart disease patients should consider calorie restriction alongside professional medical advice.

Encourages Weight Loss

A study of overweight, postmenopausal women found all participants experienced significant decreases in body weight and body mass index following a calorie restricted meal plan. Some participants experienced better blood sugar management as a result of the caloric restricted diet. [4] While this may be good news for type II diabetics, those suffering from blood sugar issues should make sure they are receiving the proper nutrients that further stabilize blood sugar spikes.

Promotes Healthy Cellular Function

Individuals who practice long-term caloric restriction for the purpose of supporting health and longevity have shown a lower risk of cellular dysfunction. [5] This doesn’t necessarily mean that calorie restriction can solve the cancer issue, but it just may be an important approach to supporting health on all fronts. [6] Read more

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Effects of Pesticides

Effects of Pesticides

f it has the suffix –cide in it, then you know it’s meant to kill something. Pesticides are designed to kill insects, fungus, bacteria and other things that feed on crops, are vectors for disease, nuisances, and things that destroy property. Farming is big business and some farming companies are bottom-line driven, in business to make money at any cost. Pesticides and genetically modified organisms are a way to ensure they get the crop yield they demand, no matter how it hurts the environment or the consumers.


Two types of pesticides are biological and chemical. Biological pesticides can be developed using fungi, bacteria, and other organically present substances. Some biological pesticides are microorganisms that, without any manipulation, demonstrate natural effectiveness in targeted pest control. These generally aren’t toxic to humans or animals and don’t leave a persistent residue.

Who is to Blame?

Seven of the most toxic chemical compounds know to man are approved for use as pesticides in the production of foods! Who approved them? A multinational organization called The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). It was formed in 1963 from a cooperative effort between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Their overall objective was “…to protect the health of the consumer and ensure fair practices.” The intent of the original 172 nations involved in this effort was to develop a set of food guidelines, standards, and codes of practice. It was to be an international endeavor to promote safety in food. In spite of their stated consumer protection responsibilities, the CAC approved toxic chemicals for use on our crops. These toxins are referred to as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP’s). They’re called persistent because they are not easily removed from the environment.

The greatest risk to our environment and our health comes from the chemical pesticides. In spite of the dangers, the government maintains its approval of the use of toxic chemicals to make pesticides. And science is constantly developing variations of poisons.

Broad-spectrum and Narrow-spectrum Pesticides

Broad-spectrum pesticides kill many pests, while narrow-spectrum pesticides do just the opposite. Narrow-spectrum pesticides are developed to kill specific organism types. Examples are algicides for algae, avicides for birds, fungicides for fungi and oomycetes (also called water molds, they use surface water including precipitation on plants, to move around). Most pesticides kill pests directly on contact. Systemic pesticides work differently. They penetrate to the inside of a plant traveling along its absorption path. These poisons work by poisoning the pollen and nectar of flowers and this can kill needed pollinators like butterflies and bees.

Pesticides and Bees

Pesticides are a major threat to bees. The systemic poisoning of flowers has killed scores of bees. We’re simply losing too many of them. The bees and butterflies among others are pollinators and they represent a natural tour de force in perpetuating plant cycles and evolution. You see, they do cross-pollination naturally. More than 25% of the bee colonies died in winter 2006/07. That translates to a loss of tens of billions of bees. And it’s estimated that this loss will negatively impact the agricultural economy to the tune of $8 to $12 billion.

Who’s at Risk for Exposure to Pesticides?

Farmers and their families and other persons who use chemical pesticides regularly are at greatest risk for achieving toxic levels in their bodies. The danger is spread out to larger areas, as the pesticides:

Are carried on the wind
Leave residues on produce
Remain inside produce and animals
Run off into open water, contaminating public water supply as well as fish and other seafood

Anyone who uses pesticides or is present when pesticides are sprayed is at risk for dangerous exposure. The pesticides can enter the body through skin, eyes, mouth and nose. Read more