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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What is MegaHydrate™?

What is MegaHydrate™?

MegaHydrate™ is a powerful antioxidant supplement that promotes essential full-body hydration. Dehydrated cells cannot properly absorb nutrients or get rid of waste. Over time this leads to nutritional deficiency, cellular oxidation, and a dangerous build up of toxins. MegaHydrate™ is the key to unlocking the hidden nutrient enhancing potential of water inside your body. It's scientifically tested, safe, and has no known adverse side effects.

The Ultimate Hydration - MegaHydrate Super Antioxidant

A Brief History of MegaHydrate™
Dr. Patrick Flanagan

Dr. Patrick Flanagan

Dr. Patrick Flanagan is the creator of MegaHydrate™. He holds advanced degrees in chemistry, nanotechnology, bio-sciences and medicine. He's developed over 300 inventions and was named Scientist of the Year in 1997 by the International Association for New Science. Dr. Flanagan's desire is to share his discoveries with the world in the hope that they may be used to improve human life.

"I discovered negatively ionized hydrogen as the premier biological antioxidant in 1985. It took almost 10 years to stabilize the material and develop it as a product. We have published multiple papers in peer review journals on H- (negative hydrogen) and its effects in living cell cultures."

"In bio-chemistry, there is the antioxidant cascade. All previously known antioxidants become free radicals when they neutralize free radicals. The resulting free radicals are not as harmful as those that were neutralized. For example, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) becomes dehydro-ascorbic acid (it has lost its hydrogen). The dehydro-ascorbic acid must be eliminated by the body. This is true of all antioxidants except for H- or active hydrogen. When H- neutralizes a free radical, pure water is the result."

"The exciting thing about H- ions is that they can re-store and re-cycle all other radical scavengers. That is, it can restore Vitamin C in the body over and over again so that it does not need to be eliminated as a toxin. It works with all other know antioxidants in the same way. It is the king of antioxidants because of this. It is the only free radical fighter that is like that."

-Dr. Patrick Flanagan

What are the Top 5 Reasons You Need MegaHydrate™?

1. It is the most powerful antioxidant available and helps neutralize harmful free radicals.
2. Promotes energy production and metabolic activity. 
3. Adequate hydration supports stamina, memory, and mental acuity.
4. Supports the ability of cells to utilize nutrients.
5. Provides a front-line defense against the effects of aging.

What are the Benefits of MegaHydrate™?

- MegaHydrate™ increases hydration.
- Every serving is loaded with antioxidant power.
- Superior protection against free radical damage.
- Combats dehydration in adults, children, and pets!
- Alkalizes the body and makes it an unsuitable environment for harmful organisms.
- Neutralizes the acids that cause degeneration.
- Encourages waste removal in the body.
- Proper hydration promotes healthy hair, skin, and fingernails.

What Do Customers Like Best About MegaHydrate™?

"Mega Thanks! for keeping pricing within reach of retirees who care for pets. I have an older bunny whose chronic renal insufficiency is ably managed by her holistic vet, but I know that adding MegaHydrate will further support her indispensable filtering organs." ~ Sharon and DundeeBun

"From Spider Bites to Snake Bites - Megahydrate for First Aid! Our family has used this powerful antioxidant supplement in many ways - general energy, energy and well-being at high altitudes with low oxygen levels." ~ Laure

The Ultimate Hydration - MegaHydrate Super Antioxidant

Why is MegaHydrate™ the Best Antioxidant Supplement Available?

- A few capsules of MegaHydrate™ is packed with Hydrogen ions.
- Supports hydration and nutrient delivery at the cellular level.
- MegaHydrate™ is safe, tested and has no side effects.
- Contains Silica Hydride, the only known antioxidant that does not breakdown into a free radical after it has neutralized a free radical.

What are the Top 3 Questions People Ask About MegaHydrate™?

1. Is MegaHydrate™ safe? MegaHydrate™ is 100% safe. It has been tested under laboratory conditions for effectiveness against a variety of free radicals, including singlet oxygen, super-oxide, and hydroxyl radicals. Unlike regular antioxidants, MegaHydrate™ has been shown to fully neutralize existing free radicals without creating any toxic byproducts, or becoming another free radical itself.

2. Why is dehydration so damaging? Dehydration prevents the body from assimilating nutrients and removing waste. Dehydration may stem from caffeine consumption, poor dietary choices, mineral deficient soil, pesticides, preservatives, and unclean water. MegaHydrate™ fights dehydration at the cellular level and keeps you hydrated.

3. How does MegaHydrate™ work?

Before taking MegaHydrate™: Clustered cells

This photograph shows a blood sample from a subject with signs of low Zeta Potential. Notice the blood cells are clustered closely together, making it easy for waste to become trapped between them. This clustering effect is believed to be a direct result of dehydration.

Clustered Cells

After taking MegaHydrate™: Evenly dispersed cells

This photograph shows another blood sample taken from the same test subject 20 minutes after being given 500 mg of Silica Hydride, the active ingredient in MegaHydrate™, mixed with 8 oz of ordinary water.

Improved Zeta Potential is indicated by the now evenly dispersed blood cells. Notice that the total surface area occupied by the cells has increased, thereby allowing exponentially more nutrients to enter into the cells, as well as releasing the toxins that were previously trapped between them.

Dispersed Cells

Additional Tips for Best Results

- Add the powder from two capsules to fresh smoothies and juices to maintain freshness for several days.
- MegaHydrate™ powder can be added to cosmetics and skin care products to maintain freshness.
- Take one or two capsules prior to flying to increase hydration and reduce free radical damage. Read more

Report: Lead Researcher for HPV Vaccine Questions Its Safety

Report: Lead Researcher for HPV Vaccine Questions Its Safety

According to a lead developer of the Gardasil HPV vaccine, it may do more harm than good. This is coming from a recent report from both the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Philadelphia Bulletin (Update: Link deleted – Article is no longer available on the Bulletin’s website) presented highly controversial statements from one of the lead researchers and developers of Gardasil and Cervarix, two drugs currently being highly-touted as vaccines for the human papilloma virus (HPV).


This controversial drug was approved in 2006 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in girls and young women. The HPV vaccine has been prescribed to girls as young as nine years old for the reduction of cervical cancer, and the prevention of HPV, despite studies showing no benefits to girls under fifteen.

The HPV Vaccine Bombshell

Dr. Diane Harper, the aforementioned researcher and director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the University of Missouri, has openly stated that she has serious questions about the utility and safety of the HPV vaccines, and that, “The rate of serious adverse events [HPV vaccine side effects] is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer.”

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In fact, when the researcher presented talks on the vaccine at a recent conference, many listeners walked away with the stark impression that indeed, the risk of adverse side effects were greater than any benefits that the vaccine could offer.

What is more, critics of the vaccine note that 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment within a year, and that within two years 90% of all infections heal themselves naturally. Furthermore, of the remaining 10% of people who do get HPV, only half of those will actually reach the full stages of cervical cancer. It also seems that preventative measures are already lowering the rates of cervical cancer, and that “four out of five women with cervical cancer are in developing countries,” where access to resources are more limited.

Side Effects of the HPV Vaccine

It is startling to note that since 2006, when the HPV vaccines were introduced to the public, many young girls have reported a plethora of health-threatening side effects associated with the vaccine. In fact, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 15,037 girls have officially reported a multitude of serious, life-threatening reactions. These side effects may include blood clots, lupus, seizures, paralysis and brain inflammation.

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The Center for Disease Control has even documented 44 reported deaths associated with the vaccination. In England, one 14 year-old girl, within hours of receiving the vaccine at her school nurse’s office, dropped dead on site. The public interest group, Judicial Watch, has reported that the FDA has held its tongue on at least 18 deaths associated with the vaccine, as well as 140 serious side effects, 10 miscarriages and 6 instances of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

woman getting vaccinated

These statistics are bone-chilling, considering the fact that the manufacturer of Gardasil, a company called Merck, is currently attempting to make vaccines mandatory in schools in the United States. What is more, the National Cancer Institute’s website claims that, “Thus far, no serious side effects have been shown to be caused by the vaccines,” despite the aforementioned well-documented cases of debilitating side effects, and even deaths.

High Quality Iodine Supplement - Detoxadine

Another realm of contention regarding the HPV vaccines are the lack of studies done on children. To date, the manufacturer of Gardasil has not done any conclusive studies on young girls under 16 who have been vaccinated. This raises questions as to whether we may be vaccinating children with unsafe substances that have not been thoroughly tested. In a 2007 interview, Dr. Harper revealed her opinion in clear terms, stating that giving Gardasil to 11 year-old girls was essentially nothing more than “a great big public health experiment.” 
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Monday, October 26, 2015

Benefits of Coconut Water

Benefits of Coconut Water

In classic Indian culture, the coconut palm is described as “Kalpavriksha,” or, “the all giving tree.” I agree with the notion, the coconut palm is a fantastic tree with many offerings. Its fruit and coconut water offer many therapeutic benefits and contributions to human health. [1]


Coconut water is a natural nutritious beverage and it’s very popular all over the world. It’s thought to be extremely nutritious as it contains active compounds and a unique composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones.

A Natural Sports Drink

The recreational, fitness, and sporting worlds are awash with sports drinks. Remove the marketing and endorsement deals and you’ll find that most are just overhyped sugar water. Coconut water has gotten a lot of attention as being a healthy, natural alternative to sport drinks. Most of this appeal is based upon observations regarding its hydration capabilities.

Coconut Water: In the Lab

Just as Indian culture places a high value on the coconut, so do their academic circles when it comes to inquiring into its incredibleness in the laboratory. Several studies involving animal models have reported very positive outcomes when evaluating coconut water.

The Department of Biochemistry at India’s University of Kerala has repeatedly examined the effect of coconut water on lab rats and done so from multiple angles. In one study, they reported that coconut water reduced blood sugar and oxidative stress in diabetic rats. [2] Another study found that coconut water reduced high blood pressure and improved antioxidant activity. [3] Further research revealed a beneficial effect on cholesterol. [4]

Coconut Water for Total Body Hydration

When you’re exercising, or just thirsty, you have, literally, hundreds of beverage options. Why coconut water? For starters, it’s natural and it’s better for you. Coconut water has less sugar, less acidity, and less calories than soft drinks. Coconut water is also higher in electrolytes. When you’ve been exercising and sweating, you’ve lost more than water and that’s why rehydrating with more than water is necessary.

When researchers in Malaysia compared the rehydration efficacy of plain water, sports drinks, and coconut water, coconut water was the shining star. A study that included ten healthy males, each exercising for 90 minutes, determined that not only was sodium-enriched coconut water extremely effective for whole body rehydration, it was also better tolerated- no nausea or upset stomach. [5] 
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Friday, October 23, 2015

Symptoms of Iodine Overdose

Symptoms of Iodine Overdose

The human body requires iodine to develop and, especially, maintain proper metabolic balance. That being the case, it’s somewhat ironic that elemental iodine is toxic to humans. Typically, we do not come into contact with elemental iodine. Most solutions and all consumable forms occur in the iodide ion (Detoxadine, a form of nascent iodine is safe). A few examples of this would be potassium iodide and sodium iodide, the chemical compounds placed in salt in many countries throughout the world. Regardless, it’s a topic to be aware of.


Elemental iodine, however, damages tissue upon contact. High concentrations of iodine solutions (even those containing iodide) can create immediate chemical burns… with the potential for much greater complications. It’s for that reason that warnings always state not to induce vomiting if ingested (unless otherwise advised by poison control).

Overexposure and overdose can occur with constant, repeated exposure to high concentrations of iodine. An individual could come in contact with high concentrations from tinctures of iodine, such as when using it as an antiseptic or disinfectant. Studies have also shown that iodate (an alternative form of iodine used as a salt additive) ingested in large quantities can lead to corrosive effects in the gastrointestinal tract. [1]

Other sources of iodine that can lead to poisoning are Amiodarone/Cordarone (an anti-arrhythmia drug), Lugol’s solution, Pima syrup, potassium iodide, and radioactive iodine used for certain medical tests or thyroid disease.

Symptoms of an Iodine Overdose

Some symptoms of an iodine overdose can be abdominal pain, delirium, fever, vomiting, and shortness of breath. More serious symptoms can occur, depending on the way the iodine overdose occurred. Here is a brief summary of ways elemental or concentrated iodine overdose can occur and its resulting effects. [2] 
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Do You Know These 6 Causes of ADHD?

Do You Know These 6 Causes of ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is on the rise, and the ‘disorder’ is now affecting many adults. [1] With such an influx of new diagnoses each day, many people might be wondering what is causing it. As with any disorder there is a likely contributor, or a multitude of contributors. While it could be any number of things, chemicals could be a very likely factor in ADHD diagnosis. Let me share these 6 toxic causes of ADHD with you, and you can decide for yourself.


6 Contributors to ADHD

Children and adults are being diagnosed with ADHD at a quickening rate. Know these 6 contributors and see if any of them ring true in your own diagnosis.

1. Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy

A recent study suggests pregnant women might want to avoid acetaminophen. Children born to mothers who take the over-the-counter medication could have an increased risk of ADHD. [2] While the increase in risk is small—less than ten percent—is taking acetaminophen really worth it? [3]

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2. BPA Exposure

Found in some plastic, BPA is a fairly well-known endocrine disruptor that so many manufacturers have turned to making BPA-free products. Studies suggest its substitute bisphenol-S, or BPS, could be just as bad for your health. One study looked at brain development after BPA/BPS exposure in zebrafish embryos and found a link to hyperactivity. [4] [5] While still very new, the findings suggest these chemicals could cause similar symptoms in humans.

3. Lead Poisoning

Exposure to lead is bad news, as this toxic compound can cause poisoning. The highly toxic metal can affect anyone at any age, but young children are especially vulnerable: Lead has a devastating effect on the developing brain, sometimes causing long-term damage. [6] The developmental effects can be devastating, with low-level exposure linked to low IQs and ADHD in children. [7]

4. Mercury Exposure

Many pregnant women tend to cut fish out of their diet completely in order to avoid mercury exposure. Like lead, mercury is a neurotoxin that should be avoided, but don’t give fish the boot just yet. While mercury could be linked to a higher risk of ADHD symptoms in children, eating more fish could possibly lower that same risk. [8] It’s all about balance and finding fish that carry a low mercury burden.

5. Smog and Air Pollution

One study suggests prenatal exposure to air pollution can increase the risk for ADHD in kids. [9] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are emitted by burning fossil fuels, so completely avoiding them can be quite difficult. But limiting your exposure could be the answer since “children born to mothers with higher levels of PAH during pregnancy had five-fold increased odds of showing symptoms of ADHD than those who were born to mothers with lower levels.”

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

12 Uses For Iodine (And Other Tips, Research, and Resources)

12 Uses For Iodine (And Other Tips, Research, and Resources)

The following article will give you a better understanding of the most common uses for iodine as a supplement, as outlined by clinical research and by the University of Maryland Medical Center. Additionally, you will also learn about a simple at-home test that can give you a better idea if you have an iodine deficiency.


Iodine Uses

1. Radiation Exposure

Potassium iodine has been used to help individuals exposed to radiation by reducing the harmful accumulation of radioactive substances in the thyroid. However, It has been said that nascent Iodine may be 4-7 times more effective than potassium iodide and is much safer to use.

2. General Use as a Sterilizing Agent

Almost all sterilization products for the body have iodine. It is a wonderful wound cleaner, and has even been used to purify water in tablet or liquid form.

High Quality Iodine Supplement - Detoxadine

3. Preventing Goiter

Irritation of the throat area and thyroid gland is known as a “goiter. To prevent this condition, it is suggested to take the daily recommended amounts of a nascent iodine supplement to boost overall thyroid health.

4. Boosting Metabolism

Due to improper thyroid function, metabolism of the body may slow down. Supplementing with nascent iodine may help ensure the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland, which in turn helps regulate the metabolism. It can also aid the body in keeping warmth, steadying the heart rate, maintaining a health body weight, and promoting overall digestive health. Here are a few more tips to boosting metabolism.

5. Harmful Organisms

A nascent iodine solution can be used to assist the body in fighting off harmful organisms. Using an iodine tonic as a throat gargle is also helpful for a cough. Iodine also acts as an expectorant of mucous from the common cold and other respiratory ailments.

6. Breast Health

Much research is currently being conducted on the role of iodine in breast health and overall shape and function. Similarly, iodine is a key mineral in mother’s milk, and is passed on to children for their proper growth and development. However, most nursing mothers are extremely deficient in Iodine.

7. Ovarian Health

Again, much research confirms the link between a lack of iodine and ovarian problems, such as cysts, and reproductive ability.

8. Neurological Health

Children can suffer from mental illness and disabilities due to a lack of iodine. It is important that mothers supplement with this micronutrient as a preventative measure. I recommend using only a safe nascent iodine.

9. Vaginitis

Iodine douches have been used to reduce vaginal irritation, itching and discharge associated with chronic yeast imbalances
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

6 Health Benefits of Eating Organic Food

6 Health Benefits of Eating Organic Food

Agribusiness is all about profits, not your health. It is an industry that has developed a system of food production that’s completely forgotten what food is all about: nutrition and health — not to mention taste. It’s gotten so bad that it’s becoming difficult to even call the stuff that agribusiness produces food. It would be more honest if they were to call it “stuff for ingestion” and include a warning label.


The voice of those of us who are not interested in what’s now called “conventional” farming is ever increasing. We’re not interested in consuming chemicalstoxins, or GMOs. What are we interested in? Organic food. Why? It’s better. Here’s a quick list of six reasons why you should make it a point to consume organic whenever possible.

1. No GMOs

Genetically modified organisms, including GM foods, are a horrible mutation of real food. The claim that GMOs are just like any other method of improving foods is simply nonsense. Never before have genetics been manipulated by taking the genes from one species and inserting them into another.

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Animal genes are spliced into plants, and plant genes into animals, something that cannot happen in nature. The claims that GMOs and breeding are virtually identical and safe are clearly nonsense, with studies like the one done by Gilles-Eric Séralini showing that rats fed a diet of Roundup-Ready GM corn developed massive tumors and died younger. [1]

Although other countries in the world have rightfully shut the door on GMO junk being sold within their boundaries, organic foods are the only foods that people in America can be reasonably sure are GMO free!

2. Better Nutrition

Conventionally grown “stuff for ingestion” is produced in played-out soil under the delusion that all the nutrients you require can be replaced by artificially-produced fertilizers. There is a fallacy that bigger and prettier produce is synonymous with healthy produce. The fact is that study after study has proven that organic food is more nutritious. By the way, more nutritious food usually tastes better, too.

Here are some nutrient facts reported by [2]

- One study showed that organic fruits and veggies contain 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium, 13.6% more phosphorus, and 18% more polyphenols.
- Salicylic acid is an important and health-promoting substance. Researchers have found that there is an average of 600% more salicylic acid in organic soups, and that organic carrot and coriander soup contains 1,040 nanograms of it, compared with only 20 nanograms in typical nonorganic soups!
- Organic meats are less fatty, and the fats are healthier.
- The only US beef that has been free of the fatal prion brain disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, is organic.

The science is clear: organic food is more nutritious.

3. No Pesticides or Herbicides

Pesticides and herbicides are poison. It’s that simple. Their function is to poison things. Food that’s grown with the use of pesticides and herbicides are, therefore, poisonous. Don’t kid yourself into believing that you can effectively wash it off. You cannot. For lack of better words, it’s in all the nooks and crannies. It’s taken up by the roots and soaked in when it’s sprayed. Nearly all pesticides function by harming the nervous system. So, if you eat foods that were grown by agribusiness, you are eating neurotoxins and gradually poisoning your nervous system. [3]

The way to avoid these poisons is to eat only organic foods.

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4. Higher Quality Meat and Dairy

When you see studies claiming that meat is bad for you, take note that they never distinguish between organic husbandry and the stuff that comes from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). If you eat most of the stuff sold for ingestion that supermarkets sell, then you should pay attention, because that stuff is truly bad for you. It’s loaded with antibiotics and other drugs, and it is, frankly, dirty. Animals raised wallowing in their own feces and the stench of old urine are not healthy. If you eat meat that comes from such places, you’re not helping your health. [4]

If you’re going to eat meat, the way to avoid such cruelty to animals and unhealthy meat is simple: Eat only organic and free range meats.

5. Less Chance of Food-Borne Illness

The news media keeps reporting about massive outbreaks of food-borne illness. Cabbage. Eggs. Fast food restaurants. Spinach. Melons. Peanut butter. The list goes on and on. The more our foods are produced by agribusiness, the more such outbreaks happen.

What the news media fails to report is that virtually every one of these outbreaks is a direct result of agribusiness. Animals in CAFOs are sick. No matter how much they’re vaccinated or drugged, they just get more sick. Factory farms are the primary source of drug-resistant infections. In fact, they were the first source. E. coli was not even considered an infectious bacterium until around 1983. It’s a necessary probiotic found in everyone’s gut. It’s necessary for digestion. The E. coli that causes deadly infections is a mutant caused by CAFOs. [5]

The best way to be safe from food-borne illness is to choose organic foods. The insane rush to sterilize our foods and farms simply makes us less healthy, and ultimately results in exposure to the worst food-borne illnesses that have ever existed. 
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