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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tragic cases of babies being born with intestines outside their bodies on the rise; 'experts' claim ignorance

Tragic cases of babies being born with intestines outside their bodies on the rise; 'experts' claim ignorance

Cases of a rare and life-threatening birth defect are on the rise, and medical experts claim to be baffled by the increase in incidences of the disease. The defect – gastroschisis – causes babies to be born with some of their internal organs protruding outside their bodies.


Although in most cases the newborns with the condition can be saved – particularly when the defect is recognized before birth – the condition can cause health complications later in life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have just released a report detailing the worrying trend, but have provided few answers as to the exact cause of the defect.

The findings revealed that there were 30 percent more cases of gastroschisis in the period between 2006 and 2012, than from 1995 to 2005. Incidences of the disease among young African American mothers, younger than 20, have increased dramatically, with cases of babies born with gastroschisis in that demographic group having risen 263 percent.

From The Washington Post:

"Though doctors have been familiar with gastroschisis for years, no one quite knows what causes infants to be born with their intestines and other visceral organs — the stomach, the liver — protruding through a small hole near their belly button. It's more common to babies in younger mothers, according to the CDC, and low socio-economic status, low body mass index, poor nutrition, smoking and use of alcohol, illicit drugs and pain medicine are thought to be risk factors. Perhaps there is some harmful environmental factor that inhibits the development of the abdominal wall during pregnancy. Or perhaps the babies born with gastroschisis have some genetic defect that leaves them vulnerable."

CDC researchers plan to investigate further why cases are suddenly on the rise, particularly among African American mothers, since they "are typically less likely to be affected."

Costly and lengthy recovery

Around 2,000 cases of gastroschisis occur yearly, and although the babies usually survive, the treatment can be complicated and costly, often involving lengthy recovery periods. Babies born with the defect may spend up to six weeks or more in neonatal intensive care units.

Aside from the cost of such care, the recovery period must undoubtedly be a terrifying ordeal for the mothers and families involved. And, as already mentioned, the condition may lead to later health issues.

From the Los Angeles Times:

"Though the abnormality can be life-threatening, it is often surgically repaired soon after birth. But because the affected organs are irritated by their exposure to amniotic fluid inside a mother's uterus, they can twist, swell, shorten and become infected.

"As a result, babies born with the defect can have ongoing digestive and feeding problems Some also have difficulty staying hydrated and absorbing nutrients from food, which can increase their risk of a range of medical problems, including stunted growth and malnutrition.

"If the number of exposed internal organs is large, surgery must sometimes be done in stages."

What can be done to prevent gastroschisis?

It seems that the disease is likely caused – at least to some extent – by environmental factors and/or lifestyle choices, the latter of which pregnant mothers and those who plan to become pregnant have a large degree of control over.

Many of these lifestyle factors are already well-known: smoking, drugs and drinking should always be avoided before and during pregnancy, and it's becoming increasingly clear that diet and nutrition play a major role in the health of newborns

If you are pregnant or planning to have children in the future, do yourself and your unborn children a favor: Don't smoke, drink or use drugs; avoid unhealthy dietary choices (eat healthy organic foods and avoid processed foods); and avoid using any prescription or over-the-counter painkillers, unless absolutely necessary.

And although toxins in the environment are beyond direct control, a healthy organic diet will minimize a mother's exposure to harmful chemicals may contribute to birth defects such as gastroschisis.

Your newborn's health is directly related to your own healthy, natural lifestyle. If you take good care of yourself before and during pregnancy, your chances of giving birth to a healthy baby are greatly increased.


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Science confirms chinese medicine herb can halt bowel cancer for pennies a day (it also prevents malaria)

Science confirms chinese medicine herb can halt bowel cancer for pennies a day (it also prevents malaria)

The U.S. government's policy on cancer is far from perfect. When it comes to this deadly disease, the strategy proposed is simple: chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Just in the U.S.A, cancer takes the lives of almost 600,000 people every year, making it a significant nationwide threat. Consequently, $100 billion worth of taxpayers' money is funding these traditional and almost obsolete methods of dealing with cancer every year. All of this is done despite the official recognition that chemo and radiation can actually cause the disease.


On the other hand, some scientists and cancer patients have been trying to find other ways of dealing with the disease for decades. Sometimes, we don't need to look further than nature.

Alternative medicine is a viable solution

It's not uncommon for herbal remedies not to be taken seriously. People would normally dismiss an individual who openly claims ginger helps prevent cancer and the formation of tumors. But would things change if that individual was part of a team of researchers that dedicated entire years to studying the effects of herbal medicine on cancerous tissue? What if he had consistent proof that ginger does make a difference? There are thousands who have done the same thing.

Yet you don't see ginger or the host of other herbal remedies for cancer on national TV. Studies are published, the research community acknowledges these efforts and findings, but little changes in terms of public view or in terms of administrative procedures. It would cause too much of an inconvenience to change a system that's already running smoothly. The policy stays the same, and most people conform to a regular doctor's advice.

Cancer can be prevented

Those who are fed up with current views on cancer have taken it upon themselves to prove beyond any doubt that chemo and radiation are not the way to treat this disease. In fact, there are a multitude of herbal remedies that can help you fight cancer even before it develops. Sometimes, you can even prevent it altogether.

For instance, Chinese medicine does not adhere to the boundaries and prejudices we draw between alternative or herbal remedies, and the ones you buy at a regular pharmacy. They are less fixated on current practices and more willing to test compounds that are found in nature – plants known for their beneficial properties.

While Chinese researchers were exploring natural remedies for malaria, they stumbled upon a plant that is so effective it can potentially revolutionize modern oncology artesunate. Derived from sweet wormwood, this plant has shown virtually no side-effects and incredible results in a small British study for colon cancer

Only one of the 23 patients that followed the treatment had reoccurring cancer after three and a half years, compared to six cases in the placebo group. That's an improvement of roughly 84 percent without any harmful consequences. British researchers are eager to test these findings on a larger scale. At the moment, they are conducting a study involving 140 patients, which will demonstrate the effectiveness of artesunate in preventing the multiplication of cancer cells after surgery.

The cure in our backyard: natural and affordable

For less than $2 per pill, artesunate will have a definite impact on how the world views cancer. Its mother plant, sweet wormwood, has been used in Chinese medicine to treat high fever for at least 2,000 years. The very same herb brought the Nobel Prize in Medicine to Chinese scientist Tu Youyou in 2015, for her discovery that it can be effectively used to treat malaria

The potential of artesunate is comparable to that of aspirin, according to Professor Sanjeev Krishna of St. George's London University, the person responsible for the first trial.

Sources include:[PDF]

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Monday, March 14, 2016

WashPost goes full retard, claims kale isn't healthy and there's no such thing as healthy food at all

WashPost goes full retard, claims kale isn't healthy and there's no such thing as healthy food at all

On January 17, Michael Ruhlman published an article in The Washington Post, where he attempted to demonstrate the ignorance of American consumers in regard to nutritional matters and healthy eating. The hook for his shabby argument was, as the title suggested, that no food, not even kale, is healthy.


What he meant by this is that food can only be nutritious and only us, human beings, can be healthy. According to him, stating otherwise is a cause for confusion and a means for food production companies to manipulate the masses. Unfortunately, most of Ruhlman's article and especially his word play on "healthy food" are nothing more than a screaming logical fallacy, quite possibly resulting from the author's failure to consult an accurate dictionary on the matter.

The issue with kale...

"I submit to you that our beloved kale salads are not 'healthy.'" This is Ruhlman's bold statement about one of the healthiest greens we know and love. And yes, we can call it "healthy," at least according to every dictionary we have ever consulted. According to Merriam-Webster, healthy can also mean "good for your health.", which defines healthy as "conducive to good health," also seems to agree on the matter. The same holds for the Online Cambridge Dictionary, as well as for any other dictionary that defines the term.

In the attempt to strengthen a linguistically feeble argument, the WashPost author commits a logical fallacy. He argues that kale is not healthy because "[i]f all you ate was kale, you would become sick." This, of course, is a slippery slope fallacy It assumes that just because we believe kale is healthy and we make it a part of our diets, we will somehow end up eating only kale and become sick. As a result, kale is bad for us. Really?

Hold on! It gets worse...

Just when you think you've heard it all, Ruhlman continues by arguing that fat is good and that the American consumers are fools for trying to keep it out of their diets. And he's not talking about nuts, seeds and olive oil, but about full-fat milk and pork cracklings.

Of course, we ought to know that many unsaturated fats are essential to our health and support several bodily functions. With recent studies, we've even come to discover that saturated fats have a place in our diets. But is it really reasonable to equate a healthy kale salad with pork rinds? Is it a responsible statement that we should replace the first with the latter? On the contrary, Ruhlman's point is a fallacious sweeping generalization that attacks everything currently deemed healthy and proposes dubious alternatives purely for their shock value.

Something to salvage

Especially in an article that focuses so much on the subtle meaning of words, a statement like Ruhlman's "[F]at isn't bad; stupid is bad" has absolutely no place. It is because of this appallingly disrespectful attitude, which simply interchanges words like ignorance and stupidity, that we find it difficult to salvage something positive from this WashPost fiasco.

It's a shame, really, that the WashPost author didn't stick to his initial point, but attempted to shock through inappropriate language and poor word-play instead. At the end of the day, we are indeed faced with the issue that food labels are becoming increasingly difficult to read. We find ourselves struggling to understand intentionally obscure terms like "mechanically separated meat" or "fat-free half-and-half," and we sometimes take for granted that a product is "healthy" and "all-natural."

In a world where a staggering number of food producers see human beings only as potential sales and flashy advertising addicts, we have to personally double-check everything we eat.

That is the healthy thing to do.

Sources include:

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

After chemotherapy left man with blisters on his hands and feet, Cannabis Oil cured his cancer

After chemotherapy left man with blisters on his hands and feet, Cannabis Oil cured his cancer

On Darren Miller's 50th birthday, he received the devastating news of a lung and pericardial heart sac cancer diagnosis in which he was given about one year to live – and that was with chemotherapy However, the Illinois resident was having nothing to do with death sentences. Instead, he and his wife moved to California where he was able to use cannabis oil. While there, he even learn how to make it himself.(1)


The results just seven months later?

He's now cancer-free, and the chemo-related blisters on his hands and feet are a thing of the past. Miller even has the medical records to support this clean bill of health.

"Today... they tell me I am completely cancer-free – not remission. I've cured my cancer," he said. "Now, am I giving credit to the cannabis oil? Absolutely. Am I giving credit to chemo? I would have to say yes, too. I did both."(1)

After beating cancer, man now devoted to cannabis programs to help others

Like many others before him, Miller, who now lives back in Illinois, advocates turning to cannabis oil to help heal certain health conditions. Some people shun chemo altogether, while others – as he did – opt to use it in conjunction with chemo as a complementary treatment. And as you might imagine, good health is restored when cannabis oil enters the picture; it's role in vastly improving health can't be denied.(1)

Miller's such a believer in cannabis oil's ability to turn bad health diagnoses into positive ones that he's developed a "compassionate cannabis" program where he assists others who end up in a similar health situation. He can't say enough about cannabis oil's healing power, and as such, wants to not only make others aware of it but help them access it. You can learn more about Miller by visiting his Facebook page

"What we're doing is we're just making small amounts to keep it around and educating others on how to do this," Miller explains. "Because if you have access to any kind of cannabis, I can give you links on my site to show you how to do this in your own kitchen and save your life."(1)

As previously mentioned, stories like his are becoming increasingly popular. People know that chemotherapy isn't the only answer (or an answer at all), and that natural methods that are void of Big Pharma's questionable ways are working.

Stories of others who have turned to cannabis oil to eradicate their cancer

They worked for three-year-old Landon Riddle, a Utah boy diagnosed with leukemia When chemo made him vomit dozens of times daily and left him without an appetite, his family decided to turn to cannabis oil treatment [url][/url]. Riddle's family headed to Colorado where the treatment is legal and the rest, as they say, is history.(2)

He went from having several tumors in his chest to improving in a matter of days and is said to have rebounded. While Riddle still received chemotherapy treatments, they were considerably less frequent, with just one treatment per month. It was the significant lessening of chemo and the use of cannabis oil that worked together to heal the young boy from his terminal state.(2)

The stories continue.

David Hibbitt, a 33-year-old U.K. resident, was given less than two years to live after a bowel cancer diagnosis. Tired of the fact that chemo, surgery and radiation weren't making a dent in improving his health, he read up on cannabis oil and began using a high-grade, therapeutic one named "Phoenix Tears." He's now cancer-free.(3)

"I felt like chemo was killing me and I had nothing to lose," Hibbitt says. "I couldn't accept I was going to die."(3)

While such stories – as well as published studies recognized by the federal government – demonstrate that treatments such as cannabis oil are life-saving and can cure cancer, the sad reality is that they're often viewed as an unproven and even dangerous method. Therefore, people continue to receive chemotherapy, which weakens and destroys the body, instead of a treatment that strengthens the body and destroys cancer naturally.

Sources for this article include:




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Friday, March 11, 2016

Huge amounts of carcinogenic chemicals contaminate air near fracking sites

Huge amounts of carcinogenic chemicals contaminate air near fracking sites

It seems as though, with each day that passes, yet another health and environmental hazard is identified as being linked to hydraulic fracking, the process of injecting more than 200 chemicals at high pressure into the ground, shattering rock and releasing one America's most valued resources, natural gas.


Hydraulic fracking continues to be proven more dangerous than scientists imagined, with the latest research unmasking unthinkable health effects in residents living near a fracking site.

Only through observation have scientists begun to learn exactly which chemicals are being injected at high pressures into the earth, as the industry believes proprietary rights trump the public's right to know about which chemicals make up fracking mixtures.

Scientists have observed eight poisonous chemicals near fracking wells in Arkansas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wyoming, all of which have exceeded the federal recommended limit. Benzene, a known carcinogen, as well as formaldehyde, were the most common. Hydrogen sulfide, responsible for a range of health effects including death, was also found.

High levels of benzene, formaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide detected in air samples near fracking sites

A study conducted by Dr. David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany-State University of New York tested air samples taken by trained volunteers living near fracking wells.

The measurements were taken during "heavy industrial activity" or when the volunteers experienced symptoms such as dizziness, nausea or headaches, according to U.S. News. Other samples were taken during designated periods to monitor for formaldehyde.

Slightly less than half of the samples exceeded recommended limits, according to lab results. Samples that exceeded recommended limits did so by very high margins, with benzene levels ranging from 35 to 770,000 times greater than normal concentrations, comparable to a driver being exposed to 33 times the amount they would be while fueling their car.

Hydrogen sulfide levels were 90 to 60,000 times higher than federal standards, while formaldehyde levels reached 30 to 240 times higher than normal.

"This is a significant public health risk," said the study's lead author. "Cancer has a long latency, so you're not seeing an elevation in cancer in these communities. But five, 10, 15 years from now, elevation in cancer is almost certain to happen."

Benzene, one of the four chemicals in diesel, produces known health complications in people, prompting the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require permits for any drilling involving diesel. However, an FDA loophole known as the "Halliburton Loophole" exempts fracking companies from restrictions set by the Safe Drinking Water Act and federal Clean Water Act.

"I was amazed," said Carpenter. "Five orders of magnitude over federal limits for benzene at one site -- that's just incredible. You could practically just light a match and have an explosion with that concentration."

Benzene is known to cause leukemia and cancers of other blood cells, as well as short-term effects like headaches, tremors, sleepiness and vomiting, according to

Hydrogen sulfide, which carries a rotting egg smell, is linked to asthma, headaches, poor memory and eye irritation. Formaldehyde, also a known carcinogen, is linked to nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia, among other health effects.

Residents near fracking wells report sudden asthma, cognitive difficulties and nose polyps

Deb Thomas, a Wyoming woman who helped collect air samples while living across the road from a fracking well, reported the sudden onset of asthmatic symptoms. "I had an asthmatic episode -- I've never had any asthma, I don't have a history of asthma I ended up at the hospital where they gave me breathing treatments. I've had really bad rashes."

Thomas reported similar symptoms while taking air samples from unconventional oil and gas sites across the U.S. that are affecting low-income families.

"We see a lot of cognitive difficulties. People get asthma or breathing difficulty or nose polyps or something with their eyes or their ears ring -- the sorts of things that come on very subtly, but you start to notice them."


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