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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Top 5 Healthiest Nuts

The Top 5 Healthiest Nuts

For many years, nuts have gotten a bad rap for being high in fat. But in reality, nuts should be a vital part of our diet, as they are high in monounsaturated fats that help keep us heart-healthy and disease-free. Healthy nuts are also great sources of protein, minerals and other life-enhancing nutrients. Scientific studies now show that different types of nuts and seeds may support factors that help prevent heart disease, weight gain and the accumulation of LDL cholesterol.


All nuts should be organic, eaten in their raw state, and not irradiated or roasted. In no particular order, here is my list of the five healthiest nuts you should add to your diet.

1. Almonds

A small handful of almonds gives you almost 25% of your daily needs for magnesium, and more bone-strengthening calcium as an equal amount of cow milk

They are also high in many antioxidants, such as vitamin E and selenium. Studies show that almonds may play an important role in preventing colon cancer due to their high fiber content. Almonds also helps lower negative forms of cholesterol in the blood stream.


2. Walnuts

One of the best nuts on earth, walnuts may actually support your brain function. Studies show that consumption of walnuts is related to heart-health, better cognitive function, as well as the reduction of skin and bone conditions. Packed full of an antioxidant known as ellagic acid, researchers have shown that walnuts contain 16 disease-fighting polyphenols.

3. Pecans

Recent clinical studies show that pecans significantly lower cholesterol. Pecans are also a great source of over twenty essential vitamins and minerals.

4. Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are Healthy

High in heart-healthy nutrients and minerals like copper, niacin, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and selenium, studies on Brazil nuts show that they are a protein-packed snack that may aid in the prevention of breast cancer
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Monday, September 21, 2015

Ex-Merck employee turned anti-vaccine activist now terrorize

Ex-Merck employee turned anti-vaccine activist now terrorize

"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," wrote a Merck & Co. employee who was actively plotting to murder or discredit doctors who had voiced concerns regarding the adverse health effects of an anti-inflammatory drug called Vioxx.

Launched in 1999, Vioxx was extremely popular (with more than 80 million users worldwide), as its makers heralded the drug as being the answer to inflammation, minus the nausea that often follows with anti-inflammatory medication.

It was later discovered that the New Jersey-based Merck & Co. was knowingly selling a drug that frequently caused heart attacks and strokes in its unsuspecting victims. A study revealed that Vioxx actually doubled the risk of heart attacks and strokes, prompting the company to voluntary withdraw the drug from the market in 2004.

Prior to the drug being pulled from the market, several Merck & Co. staff exchanged emails in which they discussed a "hit list" they drafted of doctors whom they believed needed to be "neutralised" or "discredited" due to their criticism of Vioxx.

Merck & Co. long history of harassing and threatening those who stand in the way of drug profits

The emails surfaced in court after 58-year-old Graeme Peterson claimed the drug caused him to have a heart attack in 2003 after taking the medication for three years to treat his back pain and arthritis.

Merck & Co. and its Australian subsidiary, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, were sued for damages by more than 1,000 Australians (and many others in the US), who claimed that they suffered heart attacks and strokes at the hands of Vioxx.

The court ruled in Peterson's favor, allotting him just under $300,000 in compensation; however, the ruling was reversed in 2010 by an appeal panel in Federal Court in Melbourne.

The court said it wasn't proven that Vioxx caused Peterson's heart attack, despite accusations that the American pharmaceutical company misconstrued Vioxx's health risks in medical literature, advertisements and statements to doctors by sales representatives.

Big Pharma's domestic terrorism branch emerges as vaccine truth tellers are terrorized

It seems that Merck & Co. was never held accountable for the threats it made against doctors, researchers and academics, in which at least eight clinical investigators were harassed and intimidated, giving the drug company no reason to stop such intimidation tactics.

Those same tactics are in play to this day and are carried out against anyone who stands in the way of Big Pharma's profits. One of the most recent, and particularly disturbing, examples of this involves a woman named Brandy Vaughan, an ex-employee of Merck & Co. who used to rep Vioxx.

Vaughan worked for Merck & Co. from 2001 to 2003, but resigned after learning that her employer falsified safety data on Vioxx, covering up the fact that it doubled the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

After living overseas for quite some time, Vaughan returned back to the US with her six-month-old son and took him to a wellness visit in California. Knowing little about vaccines, but enough to know not to trust pharmaceutical companies, she asked the doctor, who was pushing for her son to be vaccinated, to see the inserts. This angered him.

He accused her of not trusting him before storming out of their visit, after which the nurse made sure to let them know that they weren't welcome back.

The experience sent Vaughan down the rabbit hole of vaccine research, which unveiled a multitude of concerning information leading her to decide to not vaccinate her son. After learning about the flawed data on vaccines, the toxins they contain and the total lack of safety testing, Vaughan turned to activism as she began to spread awareness about the risks of vaccines, focusing particularly on speaking out against California's SB277 forced vaccination law. Read more

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Natural Tips For Boosting Your Metabolism

Natural Tips For Boosting Your Metabolism

Most people would like to be in better shape. A better shape, that is, than round. There are a lot of factors that play into how a person looks or how fit they are. One factor is exercise. Another one is diet.


You’ve heard all of this before, and while it’s true that you need to have an overall fitness plan and nutritional goals, there are things that you can do now to make those goals a little bit easier to attain.

Certainly nothing will replace a sound diet and exercise routine. There is no magic formula that you can take that will suddenly turn you into a supermodel, but I hope you can benefit from the tips and tricks that I’m about to share.

The Key to Your Metabolism

The key to a fitter, healthier you lies in your metabolism and how clean your internal body is. Metabolism is a biochemical process that governs how quickly you turn calories into energy.

You use energy and burn fat when you are doing physical activity and digesting food, but you also continue to burn fat even while you are at rest. The rate at which you burn fat when you are resting is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR) . There are actually ways to speed it up so that you can burn fat faster even when you’re not doing much.

New Weight Loss Breakthrough

Every coin has two sides, and the flipside of speeding up your metabolism is slowing it down. You might be doing things that slow down your metabolism and allow your body to store excess fat without even realizing it. Some of the things that slow your metabolism down are:

- Eating Poorly – Quit the sodas and snack cakes! Treats are fine; just make them organic, healthy, natural foods. Avoid high processed fat foods.
- Not Enough Sleep – If your body is exhausted then the efficiency with which it burns calories goes down the toilet. A well rested body is more efficient.
- Being Stressed Out – Stress causes high levels of a hormone called cortisol in your body, which leads to belly fat . Relax and let go…of the extra pounds!
- Dieting – Believe it or not, strict dieting can lead to lower metabolism. Avoid fad diets and super low calorie diets. Low calorie diets cause your body to switch to starvation mode, your metabolism slows down to keep you from burning too many calories, then when you eat again your body stores the calories as fat. Fad diets may work in the short term, but the true path to a healthier you is to improve your overall eating habits over the long term.
- A Toxic Body – The accumulation of toxins in the body slows down the metabolism because the body has to work extra hard to eliminate these toxins on a daily basis. I suggest performing a colon cleanse, liver gallbladder cleanse or harmful organism cleanse to rev up your metabolism in a natural way.

Metabolism and Exercise (Fit Woman)

There are factors that affect your metabolism that are beyond even your control. Metabolism naturally slows down as you age, especially in women.

Some people are the victims of an under-active thyroid, adrenal burnout or unfortunate family genetics that lead to weight gain, but there are still ways to speed up your metabolism, even if you have a horrible diet and are genetically predisposed to carrying more weight than you would like.

Slimirex All-Natural Weight Loss Formula

What’s the best way to speed up your metabolism? You guessed it-exercise! Read more

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hypertension and vitamin D deficiency

Hypertension and vitamin D deficiency

One in three American adults has high blood pressure, a condition that increases the risk of heart disease (the number one cause of death in the U.S.) and stroke (the number three cause of death) as well as aneurysm, metabolic syndrome, impaired vision, kidney disease, and mental deficits.

Risk factors for hypertension include the following:

- Age (For men risk increases about age 45; for women risk increases after age 65.)
- Race (African Americans are at greater risk of developing hypertension and serious complications are more common)
- Family history of hypertension
- Obesity or overweight
- Inactive
- Tobacco use (Including second hand smoke)
- Alcohol use (Heavy drinking)
- Diet (Poor nutrition, high salt intake, low potassium and low vitamin D)
- Kidney Disease
- Sleep apnea
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Stress

Hypertension places increased force on arteries, stretching them. Stretching results in scar tissue that becomes a rough patch on the arterial wall. This creates a spot that will be prone to accumulate plaque and cholesterol, narrowing the artery and setting up perfect conditions to create blood clots.

There seems to be a definite link between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension though conventional medicine is slow to admit the cause and effect. Instead, of course, allopathic doctors prescribe blood pressure medications. The list includes:

- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
- Angiotensin II receptor blockers
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel blockers
- Renin inhibitors

If these medications do not work, singularly or in combination, doctors are likely to prescribe an alpha blocker or vasodilator.

Vitamin D and Blood Pressure

Why do so many Americans develop high blood pressure? There are many factors including the standard American diet (so aptly nicknamed SAD), obesity rates, and high stress lifestyles. Chronic, rampant vitamin D  deficiency is likely to be a vital factor.

Studies have shown that those with higher levels of vitamin D in their system have lower blood pressure. Unfortunately, outcomes from studies designed to prove whether supplementation with vitamin D lowers blood pressure have been inconsistent. Those showing benefits from supplementation have been small studies. But as often happens, the flaw in a large study was easy to spot. In the 7-year double-blind study of 36,282 postmenopausal women no evidence was found to support the idea that vitamin D supplementation reduces blood pressure. However, the dose given was too low (400 IU/day), half of the normal dose (700-800 IU/day) used for clinical purposes. Read more

Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 Foods High in Vitamin D

10 Foods High in Vitamin D

Although we can find many foods in the supermarket that have been fortified with a synthetic form of vitamin D, there are only a select number of foods that naturally contain vitamin D.


Normally, our body takes in vitamin D in the form of sun-synthesis through the skin. But in our modern times, where many of us spend countless hours indoors, our actual exposure to the sun is limited. This fact may be a principle cause of many ailments, including depression [1].

Personal Disclaimer: I follow an organic vegan diet and I personally use Vitamin D3 or consume Shiitake mushrooms. I also make sure I get some sunlight everyday. However, because I have received so many requests from meat eaters on sources of vitamin D in foods I decided to post the following food sources. I must say though that I do recommend a meatless diet for optimum health.

The Top Foods Containing Vitamin D

1. Shiitake and Button Mushrooms

Surprisingly, the dried versions of shiitake mushrooms are high in vitamin D. This may be due to the fact that these mushrooms are great at sucking up sunlight. Shiitake mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins like B1 and B2. Make sure that you find mushrooms that have been dried in the sun, not by artificial means, in order to achieve the benefits of high vitamin D content.

Suntrex D3

2. Mackerel

A small, 3½ ounce portion of these high omega-3 containing fish will give you 90% of your recommended daily amount. Currently, the FDA recommends that people eat more of these oily fishes to infuse their bodies with the vitamins and omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that the human body cannot produce on its own.

3. Sockeye Salmon

A small 3½ ounce portion of cooked salmon will give you 90% of the recommended dietary intake of Vitamin D. Make sure to purchase salmon that has been caught from the wild, if not, then sustainably farmed.

4. Herring

Herring are high in vitamin D because they thrive on plankton, which is full of vitamin D.

5. Sardines

Sardines are one of the best foods sources of vitamin D. One small tin can of sardines will provide you with approximately 70% of your daily needs. These tiny canned fish are also a great source for vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and selenium.

6. Catfish

Catfish: Again, another fish that makes a habit of feeding on plankton, catfish are constantly taking in minuscule sea life that create vitamin D from sunlight.

7. Tuna

Tuna-Foods High in Vitamin D

Eat 3 ounces of tuna daily for 50% of your vitamin D needs. Fresh, wild-caught tuna is the most nutritious. Remember, eating oily fish can also lubricate the body with “good fats” that provide health benefits like better memory and brain function. Read more

What is Detoxadine®?

What is Detoxadine®?

Detoxadine® is Global Healing Center's brand of standardized nano-colloidal nascent iodine. It is produced with a transformative bio-elemental matrix and, with a glycerin base, is designed to be more gentle on your digestive system than iodine supplements that contain alcohol.

New Detoxadine® Formula is 45% Stronger!


Detoxadine® has been reformulated and is now stronger than ever before! Created from 300 million year old salt deposits located more than 7,000 feet below the earth's surface, new Detoxadine® is an extremely pure nascent iodine that is both concentrated and free of additives and toxins. Each drop is loaded with 650 micrograms iodine and it's screened for radiation.

A Brief History of the Invention of Detoxadine®

Detoxadine® is manufactured in a state-licensed facility that meets federal regulatory standards, is cGMP/HACCP-compliant, and lab grade. Raw elemental iodine is a controlled substance both at a State and Federal level. The licensing, approvals and regulatory documentary procedures are exacting and costly.

The production process of Detoxadine® has a stabilizing effect on the elemental iodine, making it far more bioavailable than other "nascent iodine" products which can exhibit toxic effects (e.g. Cytotoxicity).

Bound forms of iodine must first be separated, clarified and purified from other binding components or impurities into a USP-grade (US Pharmaceutical), mono-elemental iodine as certified USP resublimated iodine crystals. In this purified crystal form, iodine is a highly reactive and toxic substance. However, when the purified USP iodine crystals are subjected to a proprietary process it becomes nano-colloidalized and transforms into a non-toxic form of elemental nascent iodine, also referred to as monoatomic iodine, without the addition of iodides!

  • Detoxadine
  • $24.95
  • [Learn More]
  • Detoxadine is a high-quality daily iodine supplement that will supply you with your recommended daily allowance. Made from dietary transformative iodine in a bio-elemental nanocolloidal state, Detoxadine is gentle on your stomach and will not sting or burn when used externally.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Nascent Iodine

1. Nascent Iodine is the Best Form of Supplemental Iodine

Compared to any and all other iodine supplements, Global Healing Center's nascent iodine is the most easily absorbed and utilized form of iodine available. Read the reviews and compare for yourself, no other product can match!

2. Nutritionally Supports the Thyroid

Each drop of Detoxadine® contains 650 micrograms of iodine to promote the normal iodine levels necessary to support the thyroid and encourage normal hormone balance.

3. Promotes Detoxification

Fluoride, chlorine, and bromine compete with iodine for the same thyroid receptors. Having enough iodine available helps defend and detoxify the thyroid against these toxic halogens.

4. Unmatched Quality

Unlike other iodine supplements which source iodine from the ocean, Detoxadine® is created using 300 million year old salt deposits located 7,000 feet below the earth's surface. The result is an extremely pure and concentrated nascent iodine that is free of additives and toxins and also screened for radiation. Read more

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ashwagandha and Men’s Health

Ashwagandha and Men’s Health

As men age, they can begin to experience a slow down in testosterone production and the bodily functions it’s related to. This condition, otherwise known as andropause (or male menopause in some circles), is extremely common yet not always discussed. It’s time to bring the problem to light and discuss honest solutions which can include the use of various herbal therapies. One herb in particular, withania somnifera, better known as Ashwagandha, has been used for thousands of years as an aphrodisiac, as an enhancer of cognitive function, to relieve stress, for greater energy, and to promote male vitality. [1] For men, this Ayurvedic herb can have far reaching effects on proper hormone function and long term health.


A Male Hormone Stabilizer

Ashwagandha has proven a potent option to support male fertility. When tested, researchers found it ‘significantly’ increased serum levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone, a hormone that stimulates testosterone production. [2] A 2013 study reported that Ashwagandha stimulated enzyme activity and revitalized the balance of reproductive hormones in infertile men. [3]

While showing great promise as a solution for infertility, the consistent, positive impact on male reproductive hormones suggests application as a male hormone stabilizer. All of this research supports its traditional use as well as new opportunities for use as a rejuvenating supplement to promote and maintain a man’s health.

Androtrex Male Vitality Formula

Revitalizes Hormone Imbalance in Men

A variety of factors can create male hormone imbalance, including age and body weight; stress is another. Stress can be physical as well as mental. A 2013 study from Texas A&M University focused on the effects of overtraining and over-doing exercise. The stress created by this type of training led to severe adrenal fatigue and the inability for the body to maintain balanced hormone levels. [4]

Although this study evaluated the stress created by physical training, the hormone imbalance created by stress can result from situations regardless of how or where they occur. As an adaptogen, Ashwagandha provides holistic support, helping to counter the effects of stress on the body. The ability to relieve stress can also help a man maintain stable hormone levels. 
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Are Constipation and Back Pain Related?

Are Constipation and Back Pain Related?

A member of our customer service team recently received feedback from a customer who had been experiencing such severe constipation that it was segueing into lower back pain. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard a report like this. Soreness and lower back pain can definitely be related to constipation and not only severe constipation, even minor cases of constipation can lead to back pain.


Can Constipation Cause Back Pain?

Constipation occurs from obstructions in your system or from slow transit time through the colon. When back pain is a factor, obstructive constipation is usually to blame. Obstructive constipation is fairly self descriptive; defecation is painful or halted due to a blockage. Although defecation stops, the traffic in the intestines does not. Just like a real life traffic jam, it gets worse before it gets better. When blockage becomes significantly backed up, pressure on the lower back can increase and pain can result. Since the body will continue to produce waste, the pain can increase if the impaction is not eliminated.

Colon Detox Made Easy - 6 Day Colon Cleanse Kit

Sometimes attempting to alleviate the problem can be a catch 22. By straining and trying to force your body to do something it’s already having a problem with, you can create more pressure and cause additional pain.

Powerful All-Natural Colon Cleansing with Oxy-Powder

Can Back Pain Cause Constipation?

If you’ve ever experienced a pulled back muscle or chronic back pain, you know it can be extremely debilitating. Your back is central to your core, most of your movement originates in that area. When its very existence is constantly hampered by sharp pain, every movement hurts and most movements are slow and avoided. It can really be a tragic problem that even prevents some people from making it out of bed. If it takes 20 minutes to make it up the stairs, isn’t it probable that straining during bowel movements could also be a source of misery?

It’s also not uncommon to see constipation in folks who have sustained back injuries from strenuous activities or lifting. In some cases, it’s simple- the lower back muscles spasm and interfere with the autonomic nerves responsible for the intestinal action that cause bowel movements.

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